Employment Opportunity / Habitat for Humanity Edmonton ReStore/ ~" {" ~$ |) h: j
Learn about our community work, visit us online at: http://www.hfh.org + \9 V8 R8 F0 K7 p; h7 r4 w 0 N+ F6 A7 X( ?- w6 W5 yPosition: Donation Coordinator / This key full time permanent position coordinates all merchandise donations to Habitat for Humanity Edmonton's ReStores, arranging pickups/distribution. Hours: Monday to Friday / Terms: Benefit package & Competitive salary / Closing Date: position remains open until a suitable candidate is found. Note: security clearance will be required. Key Qualifications: strong telephone & communication skills; computer literate (will be tested); ability to multitask; people oriented; manages well deadlines and a busy working environment. $ M; M }1 E! r& ]! d- ]7 l8 O) j4 U0 C% }6 _
TO APPLY – , m( q# X3 Z) X6 ]0 V
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In person with resume to: Stu Tutt 7 U$ x2 c- {9 z2 {! [Director of Facilities H.F.H. Edmonton ) \' H! q, t5 e
8210 Yellowhead Trail Edmonton, AB