鲜花( 65)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 郭森房贷 于 2010-4-5 11:48 编辑
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% K5 d- a. }- pVariable or Fixed? With all the fear mongering going on in the press lately and with banks URGING clients to lock in, can the truth REALLY be told? Check out the attached comparison, no bank branch is going to take the time to show clients this! $ Z+ R1 u$ v; S+ S
* {9 W. F3 {" x8 B* ]4 ^2 i. I
I took a mortgage of $250k at P-40 and compared it to the previous 5 year rate of 3.69%. With the increase last week, this comparison is now EVEN BETTER!) j' ~9 z6 `, l. A. J
I factored in 25BPS increase every quarter for 12 quarters (which means a 300 BPS increase in prime over the next 36 months). THIS IS A VERY AGGRESSIVE FORECAST – as prime would be 5.25%
% y9 q2 `9 V i. s' K$ S1 }8 KI chose to make the payments the same (take the P-40 product, but pay the 3.69% rate), 25 Year Amortization.. @6 n, Q1 d+ j* X$ Q
9 I' j* \ ?# D3 i; I/ }9 j* o
Result:! u) T3 P, e% K! Z. ], i
Assumption - The variable product is still marginally better with net savings of $309.53 – even with a 300 BPS increase in prime! (highly unlikely to happen)
; @/ Y c0 v B6 i/ s2 q* N. F( C: S8 X. i( ?
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