鲜花( 33)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2010-4-1 22:32
谢谢whst111, 找到官方解释了:& V! U0 I, U4 ]5 S( d3 y5 }& C
Income% i( n# p6 ^* r& ]
0 |8 l/ [6 C; H
You have to report your world income for the part of the year that
1 b Z1 o( i, {0 Gyou were a resident of Canada. World income is income from all
9 ?- v+ Q& m- Vsources, both inside and outside Canada. In some cases, pension% u! _" i. Q% W
income from outside of Canada may be exempt from tax in
) A. v; C7 T- h+ E! b' B6 |Canada due to a tax treaty, but you must still report the income on3 ^, G6 I) w1 }# V1 i9 S
your tax return. You can deduct the exempt part on line 256 of3 e: q8 s% z8 H1 l
your tax return.
8 G" ?# i% I& A7 P9 F& y8 x+ e0 S r: C! `; A B
For the part of the year that you were not a resident of Canada," `, R; R8 J2 L3 v% H! ~& t" ~
you have to report only the following income:- V, ^& ~: n5 n8 q
■ income from employment in Canada or from a business+ d3 Q- p- p) c& W z
carried on in Canada;
9 c4 a- Z: r# {8 H$ l' V3 g5 Q# a■ taxable capital gains from disposing of taxable Canadian
, u7 r9 P5 z" h& [property; and
# {/ e. s' {3 W7 r: q■ the taxable part of scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, and' l F) y8 Q4 m0 v6 I) ~
research grants you received from Canadian sources.
8 s* x: X6 k; X0 D+ t {6 `
3 ^0 S6 |" p g4 lurspace, 你的回答太不专业了,要加强理论学习哈,
6 H( ]1 F: \5 [- d$ a& a* j& U不知道别瞎吓唬人哈:) |