第一个问题: DS-156 表格上"at what address will you stay in US"这个怎么填呢?可以空着吗还是说至少填上一个预计的旅馆地址。& F' K8 k, X5 B; r' E- r7 f; x
第二个问题: 我和我老婆是分别预订了visa interview的时间,我现在有个疑问如果其中一个作为dependent申请的话是不是缴费上有不同?是不是不需要交两个USD 131$, 还是说收费是一样的?
11. It is not necessary to put an address, as you may not have the address yet by the time of the interview. You may put “N/A” if you want.4 Y: e+ I2 |# H
2. Every applicant will have to pay USD $131 for the application. In your case, you have to pay 2 interview reservation fees since you and your wife booked 2 appointments. $ ~! I( M) x0 S1 y; c
3 O; z; L- W* E7 g \' NHope it helps. H6 F+ {0 E4 F