本帖最后由 AASTAR 于 2010-2-26 00:49 编辑 & e c! n5 f% j
) d% p- v0 E! x
Northern Lakes College提供这三个工种的APPENTICESHIP TRAINING.1 Q$ Y1 X$ B& |# j
( h' C$ t' I* e4 f4 Q% a
还有FUNDING! ; R$ h% E5 D4 y$ A j: _& {% C5 Y9 ^% a% A1 I. _
Trades & Resource Programs J j- i" A8 ^* f) [( i* Carpentry Apprenticeship First Period# x9 ] U! z4 F3 ]3 T3 t) p
* Carpentry Apprenticeship Second Period ( g; |1 W/ W: _( T- t; b$ H+ [* Electrician Apprenticeship First Period : T x; m) J8 g/ S0 Z/ D* Electrician Apprenticeship Second Period 3 ]6 |: l9 i" ~9 L* Welding Apprenticeship First Period _2 H; n/ ?' A+ x. u e) U
* Welding Apprenticeship Second Period . J4 J5 S% H0 t; l* Welding Apprenticeship Third Period 1 O/ f, L% R# I: T具体请见 % H% C8 h1 Z$ @; N% n! K+ j# vhttp://www.northernlakescollege.ca/content.aspx?id=2290% U& f) w8 {8 H9 A
还有# B5 G1 U3 x+ `2 p
Resource Programs for Full-time & Part-time students:9 k1 w3 {' x) N% z) A' }
* 4th Class Power Engineering$ D3 k. `, X# j( }9 L
* Petroleum Employment Training (PET) 0 L* Y/ }) g- x- A# r* Production Field Operations (PTO)6 d* }+ H1 b5 z* B5 e
* Woodland Equipment Operator Program (WEOP)+ `. d4 W$ b+ k3 |
* Survey Theory & Calculations( Y: f! K# l1 @6 r$ _, O; z+ |4 G/ J
* Forest Technician9 ^" H8 u3 {6 G" M+ y
* Forestry Harveting Technician) D& k8 |+ i$ h9 G. C/ ]8 j* M- C
* Professional Long Haul & Off Road Trucking# ?& r$ Q( J. ?7 Z8 A
5 j$ X( j, q8 [$ Q$ N) i# EIf you have questions about any of our programs, Call 1-866-652-3456 or email info@northernlakescollege.ca 5 W6 Z+ U2 n& Q2 q5 V
9 s( R5 ?0 c, A, h( F * Pre-employment Electrical is based on the first-year of the electrical apprenticeship training program.5 F: e9 c" O7 G" Y
* With small class sizes, instructors give you lots of one-on-one attention.4 }9 Q5 ?) M1 O r' A
* Industry partnerships result in new hands-on learning opportunities and innovative equipment donations. : C7 [" [; s# K3 Z3 K; B, N * You'll be eligible for a job in four months. " [9 Y0 S1 j: d% o% p6 ~& } * Pre-employment courses are eligible for student funding. . v8 l# U3 N. Z/ Z5 _
- R7 B: `% j2 E" t
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