鲜花( 53)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 ceramistpalace 于 2010-2-24 14:10 编辑
- x" t1 X/ E6 c跟朋友聊天,她无意中提起,她的表妹造新房子的时候,因为催得急,人家把应该有两个通风口的最后1 Z3 q! J' Y! A5 K
6 G9 G( Q: T$ P! c做成了一个。冬天冷得要死。一言惊醒梦中人。我才发现我那个蓝图里根本就没有通风口!SALES去问
/ d+ ^. r0 Y1 g* y9 f7 Q8 [% y/ l, p; }/ X' o) u6 c8 @% e! D3 G y
了,回说人家工 ...% r* p7 Y8 J5 k8 e) L# s* @9 Q2 T
小狗妈 发表于 2010-2-23 22:23  0 Y5 G! J. z/ s" X. A( Z
Here are some suggestions for you to consider:4 b0 G; m6 t: K' M, C( Z0 h7 y- q2 H
1/ For a moderate size of room, say 180 sq ft, at least 2 heat-outs is required for warmth/comfort, especially for the room at the farthest end from the furnace ( I'm not sure is there a building code regarding this, 4th floor may know) and 1 air-return.2 G5 {2 c9 x' H* s, ^+ I3 M8 t! \# K
2/ When there is a chance, after heating ductworks finished and w/ the builder's permission, go check on the numbers of heat register openings/air-return in each room, mark them on your blueprint, discuss w/ the builder if you have concerns.
( f% V2 m. [9 I# f3/ Check afterwards (or during walk-through before possession) if any of them are mistakenly covered up by the flooring trades. (same thing may happen w/ electrical plug-ins and central-vac hose-in openings), B) y. f# M- U" \3 M
4/ If whenever possible, go check on site frequently (of course, you need the builder's permission), there are all kinds of errors which even the superintendent would overlook, like the position of walls, door/window openings etc. (my own experience was a cathedral ceiling was once done flat, resulted in replacement of the whole roof truss system); some errors are hard to fix (or the builder refuses to fix) if you don't discover at an earlier stage.
- [" p7 q/ Z, J. p) ^' @% Q6 s Good luck. |