鲜花( 150)  鸡蛋( 0)
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d* `" F$ j9 W. @' r# QAverage household debt soared to a new Canadian record in 2009, rising 5.7% to more than $91,000, according to a study released Monday.) [( F! _6 Z' U3 C, f5 @2 q& ]
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The numbers show that most families haven’t felt much relief from the recovery that is technically underway in the economy, says the report from the Vanier Institute of the Family.% G" G1 }# z, |1 `, y% Y
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“No one should conclude that recession worries are over in the homes across Canada,” says the report, written for the institute by Roger Sauve of People Patterns Consulting.2 V0 R( q! D8 Y( a/ }
1 K' R. Q2 f$ ?- p+ m. S+ d“From a household perspective, there will continue to be high unemployment for sometime, income growth will remain weak, and there is an urgent underlying need for many families to repair and/or strengthen their household balance sheets,” it says.0 K$ Y- t! L. I+ W3 F* m
( {7 M, Y9 w* `4 L* ~“For far too many, there is too little income, too much spending, too little saving and too much debt.”
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The report notes that the number of Canadians working peaked in October 2008. From then until the economy hit bottom last July, 410,000 jobs disappeared – and few of those jobs have been recovered.) r3 `! P! Z& h
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“The average debt per household hit $96,100 in the third quarter 2009 or $87,200 if only consumer debt and mortgage debt are included,” it says. “Both are at new record highs. Total debt per household advanced 5.7%.”
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- A+ ^$ O! E" [% {: rAt the same time, however, households are actually saving more, the report notes, and no one is sure how to read the pattern.
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“Are the people doing the extra savings the same people who are taking on the additional debt? Are they different groups? It is not clear, and the answers will not be known for several years, if ever.”1 ]8 Y. w+ f5 S8 \( M, u
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But there are warning signs for one sector, the report says.! r2 R) D' I- u4 ^7 H
" u$ r7 Y5 v% X5 d# x5 z, r* Q5 _“There is one group that has clearly taken on additional debt. These are young first-time home buyers,” it notes.+ o' {# s+ n. i0 v
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“Many in this group have recently assumed high ratio mortgages at record low interest rates and with long amortization periods. Will they be able to afford their monthly payments when interest rates go up? Many are already having problems.”
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The report also notes that wealthier families have managed to garner most of the additional income generated since the recovery began to struggle back from the bottom:1 {1 }" [, g I$ o$ w' {3 d
' r. _2 w0 Q# `0 |, g: y' X0 S( ]
“More of the income pie is going to those that already have the most.” |