惭愧,你说的这两个难道不是一会事?6 C l( a0 F5 S$ y; ?) C" s' u
很多新一些的房子,后面车库的水泥地块到是打好了。在这个基础上如果建一个doubel detached garage大约 要多少钱? . k0 t6 a; R1 E2 x3 ^' G老孔雀 发表于 2010-1-27 21:49
) E' ~5 F: j$ j! ]( b- bWhat you said is a concrete pad only. To build a garage structure on top with all electrical works included may cost you well over 10K, I guess.
ONe more thing you should be aware: Make sure you have piles underneath the concrete pad otherwise it won't last long bearing the heavy loads of your parked vehicles.