本帖最后由 tfzh 于 2009-12-16 09:01 编辑 0 w* |! d t; M/ T
9 q( A) O8 m3 T5 FI agree with cougarzuo. C currently is a BIG NO for me. It may give you an offering price for the new issue someday later, but I expect the price following the new issue to drop even below the offering price. Then you may consider loading some shares if you really like C. 4 B9 m: ^6 [0 |/ H7 U 7 q9 h( p! u% D( h8 lBTW, with your budget, why don't find some blue chip stock to invest, why risk your money and pick a trash?
I will not have time to monitor the market closely to be an active trader. I just wanted to turn some free cash into some long term assets. Would C still be there in 5 years? If yes, would the stock gain higher than inlfation and GIC? Thanks for your adivse.