My lawyer was introduced by Mr. Au.* W8 J1 q$ x: o! C, }
The lawyer is just next to his office. She is a Indian woman.. W; M8 c, ?. u! c- I0 a: z
Feel not bad, as I just saw her half hour.2 C( {- p0 ^- r& B1 U4 ]% `( B* D
: Y* Q# G$ d3 k, f6 VLawyer: ANITHA BENEDET ( t% M+ [5 b1 b O$ B/ lKandath Law Office6 W/ u# l- l) u; T! j+ C
5628 104 Street Nw, Edmonton, AB T6H 2K2/ n; z8 I" h" }, o( y" T/ a
Telephone : 780-433-1041
I work at a law office in downtown. The lawyer is a local Canadian and works in real estate for about 15 years. You can email me at for more information. However, if you shop around, I am sure you may have better deals but you always want good service with ensured quality.
I work at a law office in downtown. The lawyer is a local Canadian and works in real estate for about 15 years. You can email me at for more information. However, if you shop ar ... $ t& l0 P& V7 \7 v$ M, V$ H诺言 发表于 2009-10-22 18:57
- z; R4 n: c' K/ [. PJust send an email to you email box.
! d2 \# _' ^, q / q; Y0 Z3 O% H+ e+ gWhat 文件? I do not know. I think include all in the deal.: ]* S$ \0 Z( M( u. d% k
She mailed a package to me 1 week after I moved in. I never contact her later. ! i# Q u. b) y4 C 2 V1 F2 P+ B7 r4 V' [2 o ^She is just next to your office.
What 文件? I do not know. I think include all in the deal.7 A/ Q( n f) R
She mailed a package to me 1 week after I moved in. I never contact her later. , | Y4 i7 d, A: J9 r+ Y! U5 s, F! @+ Q3 G7 m3 Z9 q
She is just next to your office. - E V' c0 ]) o$ y9 D H2 LBecks 发表于 2009-10-23 12:27