埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[加国新闻] 中国公司购加国两大油沙项目60%股份

鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-9-1 07:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 H& @8 T4 w4 O0 G6 Z3 w) W+ @; W' S  k
今天,Athabasca油砂项目公司(Athabasaca Oil Sands Corp)宣布要把他们在MacKay River和Dover两个油砂项目的部分股份卖给中国公司。4 z% U' n- I- V7 w2 ]: t+ `
- s, a7 M; q. J
Athabasca董事长Bill Gallacher说:“油砂项目是资本密集型的长期投资项目,在传统股市上很难全额筹资。”" D, O' b  ]# D/ g' b
6 l+ t0 H  s" l% Y
8月份,加拿大财长Jim Flaherty率领的代表团到中国访问。今年年底,加拿大首相Stephen Harper将访问中国。7 J3 O; }7 @5 n( C  {& o# Q

+ g8 b" h, D! v, L鉴于中加关系的现状,渥太华不大可能阻止这一合作项目。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-9-1 11:21 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-9-2 01:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 heysheep 于 2009-9-2 02:24 编辑 ! P* x* U4 x7 u8 _
& _% A2 k6 w4 g8 w/ h. ^; ]
8 n# f, `6 p  j6 s( n9 ]# Y
: l( H  x! z3 jPetroChina bid should be blocked
" [/ K1 ]4 u2 Q$ w9 Q7 G , Q( s' g7 _) H* r* ?. ]
Calgary HeraldSeptember 2, 2009 2:02 AM) H+ M4 \9 B5 j6 A* q4 W1 i
4 P" ~2 K6 Y1 z8 b$ m1 C
M odest as PetroChina's $1.9-billion bid may be for a majority share of two Alberta oilsands projects, it represents the thin end of a very thick wedge. When a foreign government seeks ownership and control of a strategic asset, the deal is not just one more cross-border transaction: When Ottawa reviews it under the Canada Investment Act, it has no choice but to consider it in terms of national security.
/ _! j$ V9 X6 H1 Y9 e5 Y' Z) G
( L) N) q! m% @+ G' RIt is not a matter of whether to sell oil to China. Filling a tanker at the coast falls within the normal parameters of international trade: selling to all comers at the market price, maximizes the return.& M( {# f2 Z% ~4 ?8 k- J

9 I& Y3 |# c% g/ U% ~* ?- ~Rather, the question is how much of Canada's oilsands should be under the control not of a commercial enterprise driven by the same incentives as any other listed company, but by the government of a major foreign power with its own agenda -- the People's Republic of China.
# U) `  s# [! c$ `4 x3 ^7 a8 g6 {0 o! x# G+ Z; X/ h; x. v
Never mind the peripheral questions -- that taxpayer-funded proprietary technology may go with the deal, or the dreadful Chinese record on human rights, worker safety and the environment, or that beyond royalties, there is no guarantee of anything--jobs, or spinoff manufacturing.
. X& m8 P& b- R& E9 ]! i: a" l7 a& E% z6 J. S
Canadians should be deeply concerned about the relationship that would evolve, in which a foreign government increasingly makes important decisions about a premier Canadian industry and not necessarily with the free market in mind. For this is the start, not the extent of Chinese oilsands ambitions.
8 q1 j$ x+ d, A. N% X2 q4 P  K0 N* C5 B9 B
Given its massive demand for energy -- seven million barrels of oil a day, and rising --Beijing will certainly not be satisfied with plants having a daily yield of 40,000 barrels of bitumen. It may therefore be expected to pursue in Canada the same aggressive purchase of strategic assets for which it is infamous elsewhere in the world. We suspect Canadians with nothing to gain directly from this sale will agree: If Canada's closest ally cannot be trusted to own Canadian satellite operator MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates, it is hard to build a case for opening the Canadian North to a totalitarian regime.
9 x; L# E0 ~) E( a* X6 [# H; s& E% o: I. ^0 W0 C6 n. S( d# y
True, some Canadians -- especially those who enjoy poking Uncle Sam in the eye --might be comfortable with a little Chinese toe dipping. There are days when we, too, find U. S. condemnation of so-called "dirty oil" a bit much to take, when dirty coal keeps the lights on in Washington.3 w* }  P  z! [

" r& P( [5 x" y: b* s% b* sMeanwhile, Ottawa faces a dilemma. If it disallows this sale, it at least retains the option to approve another at some other time, should it then seem more propitious.
) a) V, ]$ i. T% @
  }5 M* b5 Y* Q  u4 dBut if it approves a Chinese purchase of majority control in an oilsands plant now, it will be hard-pressed to find a principled objection to later purchases, even those that would raise Chinese ownership to levels sufficient to arouse the complacent." V+ [0 g4 M& t4 Y4 \) Y& {" m
0 c2 S  A/ B/ `* Z  ~
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Tuesday his government would introduce no special legislation to deal with the situation." K. d: F8 V* ~! D' \

7 y$ e8 f8 V2 k0 b7 W6 aGood! As luck would have it, by keeping the Investment Canada Act vague about national security when it was amended in the last budget, Ottawa has given itself policy room to do what is best for Canada. This is not a trend we would like to see develop. Ottawa has the power to prevent it, and should use it.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-9-2 02:38 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
China diversifies oilsands
$ G2 a5 I, [# m/ n# T/ ` 3 r- p3 k0 F6 ]  v: P" |

1 n. u1 e! c4 j* B- h% Y+ I# v; ?Edmonton JournalSeptember 2, 2009 2:09 AM. C  N7 g5 N/ Y3 i  E

$ Q/ W# d8 A8 Y* d( ^( ?  M/ D1 E
7 z+ ?- N6 O% I1 \- H  g& c# Q$ q
In the middle of a recession, at a time when Alberta's vast oilsands resource is under pressure from lower oil prices, changing environmental policies and a deteriorating "tarsands" image, a new overseas investor has joined the list of international players with a$1.9-billion vote of confidence.# E, K9 C7 v& `

2 q+ L: r: v0 j) |& p5 @; R; {Does the fact that the new player is the state-owned PetroChina International Investment Co. Ltd.--and not, say, another European to join the likes of France's Total, or Norway's Statoil--take some of the shine off the good news? Of course not. Indeed, the possibility it opens up of a more diversified customer base, and of an alternate export route to the West Coast, makes cash-rich, oil-thirsty China an especially attractive new partner for Albertans.
5 e' b4 Z; z+ {( Q* o) i& F' Y, T4 U: l6 m
It's not as if the Chinese are threatening the dominant status of American and other longer-established interests, or acquiring leverage over Canadian or Albertan policy--and Albertans must remember that what really matters is the labour, environmental, corporate, export and royalty rules, and Canadian and Albertan authorities' effectiveness at enforcing them. Attempts by PetroChina or any other oilsands to bring in cheap foreign labour, for example, must be met with by fair, evenly-applied regulation to protect both the temporary workers themselves and their job-hungry Canadian counterparts.( h# q) g7 q" a; B

2 {& ~! L1 d4 a! tBut the reality is that when Athabasca Oil Sands Corp begins to develop its two projects (with first commercial production slated for 2014) under its new PetroChina majority control, it may well be that increasingly rigorous standards will be in place on labour as well as on environmental matters.
- f& |( l1 N+ o0 h7 X7 d% y' A; w  m, p3 i3 {
Indeed, China, and Asia generally, is an enormous and rapidly growing market for energy, and China's recovering demand for oil has been a key factor in stabilizing prices. With Chinese consumption at 8.1 million barrels a day and rising at a yearly rate of 3.5 per cent according to a recent Scotiabank report, it's difficult to imagine PetroChina will be anything but a careful follower of whatever rules are set out for the industry.$ ?7 i) I9 F7 g8 U; Q

% ?# I" Z% O9 W0 x0 BSome observers may fear the Chinese will add to the foot-dragging on change to reduce the oilsands' contribution to global warming and other forms of pollution. But the Americans (and Canadians) will continue to call the shots on this subject, in practice, and will certainly not be held back by worry about China's views. If anything, Washington is undoubtedly uncomfortable about growing competition for North American Oil and would be happy to see the Chinese back out.2 S/ Q  c6 g2 i' t) W, o" ^9 Q

0 S) |5 l5 A+ L* iWhich point brings us back to competition: It's a good thing, and PetroChina's investment will fuel it. If it brings us closer to having a new pipeline to deliver our oil to more markets, so much the better for our revenue stream, and our ability to exercise genuine sovereignty over our resources.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-9-2 20:24 | 显示全部楼层
此一时彼一时。 目前来看业界对至此收购的放映正面居。 一方面是受经济不景气的影响, 市场需要强心剂;另外一方面,油砂工业在美国饱受脏油的指责。中国石油公司的加入使市场多元化。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-9-2 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-9-2 21:28 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-9-3 08:38 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(141) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-9-4 08:24 | 显示全部楼层
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