优选标准: # c6 j5 b# A) \) B4 j. r1、消费返点,例如:0.5% or 1% or 2% and so on.+ a' l- ^8 c% K: B/ H4 V0 Y
2、免年费,超期利率等basic conditions.( o& K' @( j1 f- ?& ~
3、信用额度credit limit, 贷款优惠等。2 |+ W. d# `' U4 s! D5 O
MBNA Smart Cash: 8 R9 Y, W# T4 j q1 k ' \ S$ Q' w8 j- `5% on gas and grocery for the first 6 months (3% after that);/ n2 h, C6 L R }. C9 n1 {, ]
1% on any other purchases.