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Volunteer Edmonton / Welcoming Newcomers to the Workplace Series+ h2 a/ i# w' Z
To Register online go to: http://newcomersworkshop.eventbrite.com' C4 y) c7 q$ w9 Q* x, I
^# y V9 r+ X: h0 I- \Questions? Call Evelyn 780.732.6655
# |) {5 {3 w% [6 Z5 E7 @3 ^Email: epham@volunteeredmonton.com7 P6 x6 E8 B% x* p* [
+ J, _4 t7 C7 H% w, D0 j0 m" y
The world is changing - and so are volunteers! Is your organization changing to take advantage of the opportunities for involving immigrants and refugees as volunteers? Volunteer Edmonton understands the unique context of the volunteer sector - that's why we're offering the Welcoming Newcomers to the Workplace in Canada workshop to equip volunteer managers, executive directors, board members & nonprofit/voluntary sector employees with the tools to successfully welcome, engage and involve newcomer volunteers.9 O' ^, f+ J* |7 I
' S o4 t. l' c- C9 |! ZFeaturing six modules grounded in research and developed by the University of Alberta's Faculty of Extension program, this six-session workshop explores how to create an inclusive, equitable and respectful work environment in which the skills and knowledge of all volunteers are recognized and valued. % e z( F4 p) b& K* Q! }
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The six modules include:6 q6 K. l* @! x$ c0 Y
/ x, E" b* y3 k( ]1. Understanding the Context of Immigration
7 M( k& A" l; G8 V, |" A) l% K2. Receiving Newcomers to your Workplace
- }& F; @, x8 G$ P! k3. Providing On-going Support to Newcomers in the Workplace# h8 c1 J ?( u, s- t- s
4. Awareness of Cultural Differences and Diversity in the Workplace
* M; d3 J5 B0 g9 p% U6 A5. Checking Assumptions and Challenging Stereotypes* j) v1 Y1 c; O# i8 u1 n
6. Communicating Across Difference ' a x8 y; Y7 [; c9 _4 W8 j3 S
9 \' H& ^5 e! C. JWorkshop Presenters: Zenobia Jamal & Ev Hamdon are experts in facilitating workshops which provide effective strategies for dealing with the many kinds of diversity encountered in workplaces and other learning environments.
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8 }6 f/ l, l! E) m4 t0 L- eNote: sessions are from 9 am to noon / Dates: September 11 / September 18 / September 25 / October 2 / October 9 / and October 16. Participants must commit to attend all six sessions (each session has information that is dependent on the previous session). It is NOT possible to register for one session. Cost: $300/person + GST = $315.00 (includes materials/refreshments). > Only 30 participants will be accepted!4 { S/ A) j# P9 C, A2 w0 y% d+ k
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Organizer & Host: Volunteer Edmonton.
* G' q- T* t2 Z9 ~Location: The Support Network: #400, 10025-106 St.8 E1 s8 s& Z3 a3 ]7 x5 U1 w) ^
# ] ~% G# W) W! L% t1 \/ hPS. If registering online is simply not an option, please contact Evelyn Pham for instructions on how to pay by cheque. |