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好像不能排除经纪为了达成交易,在双方谈不妥价格的情况下,会主动让一点利给卖方,以便达成交易.不知道实际发生的比率有多少, 前提是什么--比如经纪手里面有多套房子忙不过来,想尽快周转接更多的房子. 有的经纪手里就那么两三套房子, 也许就希望每套多赚一些,不愿意轻易让利.
If you think you are well protected via a realtor, you are over optimistic and have too much of an expectation of your agent. You have a better chance to save some more money if the seller's agent agreed to take half of the commission and pass onto you the other half. Of course this will depend on the seller and his realtor and your negotiation skills.