近俩月前,办保险跟人家聊天,开玩笑说我到你们公司工作吧,人家挺认真,说现在有个职位OPEN了,告诉我了。我现在有工作,暂时不考虑所以把这个信息跟大家分享吧~ , k' [9 z- A+ j7 K0 b7 a/ E # S0 y8 e$ K ^# OWe are currently looking to hire a receptionist. If you are interested please contact Pat O’Hara or Aaron Perdue or fax your resume to their attention at (780) 467-0004. * W+ C* O4 N" U2 {( H
Tel:(780)467-1500/ ?6 C) Q! e* {# @7 A; P