I have a friend who is doing this kind of business. + {* G" g; T# [" e, T& S
/ ~% D1 L6 s; E C
She used to work for a very popular custom window covering store (most of the show homes are using the window coverings from the store). She also have some fabric at home at low price. 3 C3 q/ L" V5 t# X) ]! _. T
. q7 k* t4 T% U# _6 E6 J( L
You can buy fabric (here or from China), she can measure and make drapperis or swaggs for you at bargin price (about 40% off store labour cost). # D: c7 [; d) ~3 C& b3 j X
7 i* B2 N0 Z- ?1 C! M* w
If you are interested, please phone 780-964-3477.
5#wishness 5 v' r9 }5 `& k6 B+ T3 H. ~/ v- s& N$ S8 U, }
if you drive northbound on gateway blvd...right after 51ave....then after a car/truck sales....you will see the store...