埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-15 19:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-15 19:53 | 显示全部楼层
It seems that this is a joke.
鲜花(11) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-15 20:03 | 显示全部楼层
价格变化不大, 和前一个月比较, 平均每套房子涨价大概几千刀 成交量倒是涨了不少,  超过20%, 4月份更高, 才半个月, 销售量已经追上3月份了, 所以倒月底应该超过50%.
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-15 20:40 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-15 20:51 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(11) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-15 20:54 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 娇娇 于 2009-4-15 08:51 PM 发表
  }, ]7 I1 P# `' p3 j" {http://www.bobtruman.com/Edmonton_SFH_stats/page_1918017.html

8 t( Y# w' Z3 o3 T2 h
5 o8 G5 U! K! e1 f怎么CONDO涨得还多些, 不懂
鲜花(55) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-15 21:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2009-4-15 21:35 | 显示全部楼层

回复 板凳 的帖子

鲜花(11) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-15 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 catty 于 2009-4-15 09:35 PM 发表 : a/ m: N2 R$ \, ?9 @

# Q% V2 ~; t# A' \3 C* h* ~
- B' c/ G$ Q5 \那时候是有价无市
鲜花(27) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-15 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 catty 于 2009-4-15 22:35 发表
2 |; b- Q2 X3 {- U( _  J敢不敢赌这个数据是假的?即使最疯狂2007-5的成交量才1258,今年到4.11就已经793,推算下来成交量要上2000啦。所以只有一个解释,这个数据是错的

; m4 y6 M4 _- f& G30天的数据,3.11 - 4.11。
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2009-4-16 05:46 | 显示全部楼层

回复 10楼 的帖子

for sure
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2009-4-16 05:50 | 显示全部楼层

回复 10楼 的帖子

支持理性讨论,反对信口开河,当月的new listings大于2300,成交只有1半,如何得出这样的结论?
鲜花(11) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-16 07:01 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
9 |$ ^$ ^% ^; ]* ~* H" \; w加国3月份二手物业成交连升两个月,显示楼价及按揭利率持续下滑,已吸引置业人士重新入市,也反映楼市或已回稳。
% O3 E/ R2 Z' K2 V4 j5 _Posted Thursday, April 16, 2009
- ?" z* ?& z* d! s; V% j, L# [% b
E-mail this page    Printer-friendly page. O+ L( l/ m6 Z
& l+ B4 t: }" p. H
此外,美国全国房屋建筑商协会(NAHB)昨公布调查显示,由于按揭利率接近历史最低水平,以及华府对置业人士的税收抵消减免,建筑商信心指数升至6个月以来最高,说明相关措施或已使地产市场企稳。4 `: n% _7 o1 v6 a$ {+ a9 @- X+ ^

  L, ^  X' F+ _加拿大地产商会公布,透过多重放盘系统(MLS)成交楼盘,3月份31,135宗,较2月份增7%;2月份也较10年最差的1月份升18%。
. d3 c5 O& H7 i0 I
. X; F0 A9 r; S/ l每单位平均成交价较去年3月下跌7.7%至288,641元,跌幅也是6个月来最小。
8 g! D  ]( O" X9 P! {0 ^, e7 N( n
7 L0 t6 {7 z" m8 ]# Y1 }. H去年10月以来,加国中央银行已共减息2.5厘,至只有0.5厘的历史低位,希望能刺激经济增长及抵消全球金融危机的打击。1 s; W% p& g. X# X' ?: q: o

4 u- t+ {4 \/ C, L/ D& F  V加国银行亦调低按揭利率,平均按揭利率从10月时的7.2厘,降至4月8日表示,由于楼价及利率下降,楼市显示买家开始有兴趣入市。& K4 U, {8 R/ f6 a5 j8 l
8 a  S0 M1 w  a7 a/ y. |: l5 S
商会首席经济分析员Gregory Klump指出,置业人士趁住宅楼价可负担程度改善而入市,而且很多买家是首次置业人士。他指,根据1980及90年代初两次衰退经验,二手楼市场较劳工市场或整体经济更早见底。' _0 c5 s  i: P
4 D$ z$ m: M, V. Q+ R  }/ X
# P+ a1 d" c5 c! g
1 M6 y4 [! S) z' f3 h3 T+ S3月份放盘住宅数量,较2月份跌2.5%至68,629间;而相对去年3月,成交量减13.7%,是6个月来最小跌幅;放盘量则减少4.4%。2 `( O2 J1 M; X1 M! O

5 X8 H" j1 _3 s& d- ], D$ _全国25市场中,有16个楼价下跌,以安省圣嘉芙莲市跌幅最大,达15.8%。% D" Y' g* _, |

4 }. E4 N- F, V圣嘉芙莲楼价跌16% 纽芬兰升25%8 D9 E( c$ n' p4 s

2 y/ B/ z  X$ G楼价升幅最大市场是纽芬兰省,平均成交价较1年前升25.2%至190,696元。+ F- g8 W: f# U) G: H( J

% c9 [% q2 j& \成交量以卑诗省增长最高,增幅达13.6%、安省跟随其后为10.5%。% P$ N0 D/ [" A( l3 D

% w4 A4 \) t. s- A+ }6 b2 n, ^卑诗省房地产协会(BCREA)昨日公布今年3月住宅房屋销售统计,3月平均房价虽然比去年3月下跌12%,整体销售亦较去年萎缩35%,但3月分销售比今年2月增加24%,且录得两个月的销量增加,有舻象显示卑诗省及大温房价逐渐触底,下跌压力相对减轻。) J8 x4 ^  M' b" k  t. k+ {
& T3 B  U% N! A/ a
BCREA首席经济专家穆尔(Cameron Muir)指出,随覑银行利率降低,相同房价按揭付款创3年来最低,未来两个月又进入传统的房市大月(销售最活跃),卑诗省或大温房价是否逐渐摆脱低迷,止跌回升,4月及5月房屋销售情况将是观察重点。0 B4 v1 U$ t% c( c- F* v: W
% z/ j8 z" o  \9 Z6 I  p, S
穆 尔说,卑诗省房价下跌及利率创新低,均让省民负担房屋能力提高,若以今年3月分平均房价,及3月分利率计算按揭供款,以大温地区为例,现在供款水准比3年 前减少26%,对卑诗省所有地区来说,按揭供款可说是3年来最低,让有能力首次购屋人数增加,这些因素均有力支撑了卑诗省房价不再下跌。
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-16 08:12 | 显示全部楼层
it's normal, doesnt mean anything,  house sale goes up every summer,
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-16 19:45 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-16 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
British Columbia's housing affordability notably improved but still has far to go, says RBC
2 w6 I% z' D  z8 W' q' h    TORONTO, April 16 /CNW/ - British Columbia's housing markets are in the" _+ }- l# `; Y2 H! M! v/ |0 _
middle of a significant correction that is partly reversing the extensive3 `; ^4 F6 M; U0 i. d
gains of recent years and which is helping restore affordability conditions,' |8 ?! l2 o# h- X0 P# x; S: \& m4 }
according to the latest housing report released today by RBC Economics.
" x  G: m1 j- ^* A5 o% C    "The province's housing markets remain under heavy downward pressure,"0 R; ]/ _7 u0 o3 ~
said Robert Hogue, senior economist, RBC. "While housing affordability is, x% K: ~" a% G0 v3 e. r$ i
improving as the correction process runs its course. RBC's affordability
1 i1 Q8 S7 n; B. v  dmeasures for the province are still at levels far off historical averages."
& U3 ]9 G. V) {. I. F' K    RBC notes that the sharp rise in unemployment since last summer is
, T0 |7 b3 V" h! u' fworrying households in the province and weighing down demand for housing,, M( t; U" y$ f; F) t
which runs well short of available supply. Such weak market conditions have9 T( Z) i! n) R/ z& j
sustained the declining trend in prices for both existing and new homes.$ y* q) C, M# l6 H8 \
    The RBC Affordability measure for British Columbia, which captures the' V' ?5 p$ X! ~. E9 z0 x
proportion of pre-tax household income needed to service the costs of owning a  P, t6 O6 t* ^7 @! D  f0 r% |
home, improved across all housing segments in the last quarter of 2008.
3 m7 n2 z  y+ t# a* f$ GAffordability of detached bungalows in the province moved to 66 per cent, the. z- f: E+ w1 R& l4 h/ \6 Y0 u
standard townhouse to 52.5 per cent, the standard condo to 36.7 per cent, and
/ j" G' i9 n1 {# z( X4 wthe standard two-story home to 73.7 per cent., H  l9 S) V' `+ y8 U
    According to the report, there are signs that the B.C. housing markets$ r. k5 F2 d& p: z+ k- h+ ]- S3 I
may be stabilizing as sales of existing homes appear to have bottomed out in
$ e, X* [3 r+ G- J3 m, L" I3 s) Dthe closing months of 2008 and the first two in 2009 - although at# d" S7 U5 ~2 V% p! V2 i
historically depressed levels.6 p# Y% {9 ^, s* b. ?
    Despite sharply declining house prices and lower mortgage rates, the cost
# D/ z! J) G0 ?, p8 \of homeownership in Vancouver is still the highest in the country. House- A' H7 w6 A: U$ \0 `9 Y  |
prices continue to rapidly decline and pricing power remains firmly in the
7 d- L$ d5 H3 h1 U) l' `7 R5 |hands of buyers with the sales-to-new listings ratio at historical lows. "This- H# V5 b, C7 o* y3 O
enormous imbalance suggests that prices will likely further correct in the
; i( S# Z2 `) smonths ahead," added Hogue.' \  {2 t. c% [9 o( n5 {! I& m
    RBC's Affordability measure for a detached bungalow for Canada's largest, [& B8 L  F" R, U# f
cities is as follows: Vancouver 70.3 per cent, Toronto 51.3 per cent, Calgary# {5 _" v- E- e& b( R
42.7 per cent, Ottawa 42.7 and Montreal 39.4 per cent.$ K! G* s3 u+ E/ j
    The report also looked at mortgage carrying costs relative to incomes for" P; ?; n# a% \8 t: D: Y) M
a broader sampling of cities across the country, including Victoria. For these
+ i7 A: {. e4 S& ncities, RBC has used a narrower measure of housing affordability that only' T1 `! y' U: J  s5 l! v. w
takes mortgage payments relative to income into account.
& ^. K0 [: l& Z    The Housing Affordability measure, which RBC has compiled since 1985, is
. h" X3 {1 C/ Zbased on the costs of owning a detached bungalow, a reasonable property& W2 p* c* F8 f7 v4 ?2 e
benchmark for the housing market. Alternative housing types are also presented
$ n* A' ~( @) h% x& X2 gincluding a standard two-storey home, a standard townhouse and a standard
* `4 A9 t9 |9 g0 V. Dcondominium. The higher the reading, the more costly it is to afford a home.% |4 k& ^2 K6 b2 b: F4 i
For example, an Affordability reading of 50 per cent means that homeownership
0 n9 J; w8 g+ {1 K) B/ {/ gcosts, including mortgage payments, utilities and property taxes, take up 50) x/ V, _: ~6 d; y3 n
per cent of a typical household's monthly pre-tax income.
# e5 k0 V1 y8 d( j6 K# N! `5 z+ u9 `. B/ |/ [
; H+ J5 P- \) ?# X. {* f    Highlights from across Canada:) X6 o+ l. b: r$ I1 H
( Z. u6 y# z$ I; M
    -   Alberta: Since last fall, the declining Alberta economy has" c- q1 G$ F  u' P) Z( T- P  J& x
        intensified the downdraft on the province's housing markets, causing
+ B" U- ?  Q1 W        home resales to drop to a 12-year low at the end of 2008 and rebound
: J6 ]% W3 o' S; ]) e! C        only modestly since. Affordability has been on an improving track* C. f$ i  F+ l
        since about the middle of 2007.3 `$ P4 \2 F+ E  B; R# j
    -   Saskatchewan: Market activity has cooled considerably from the1 l8 c# w, c# M8 b: Z
        frenzied pace from 2006 to early 2008 and prices have begun to
! r# S; v* P$ G# q* P2 i        decline. Nonetheless, economic and demographic fundamentals are still. y/ d& N2 |/ L2 J8 I1 b- Z* G7 i
        largely supportive of the housing market and overshadow extremely; r' z6 `: U2 R" y1 y- n
        poor affordability levels.4 u0 ]/ h: }) M+ W
    -   Manitoba: Manitoba's housing markets have fared much better than the
# c1 ~0 r8 |+ t( e6 H        vast majority in Canada: resale activity has slowed moderately and' Q% V& A( {" v, C( v% ^5 C
        prices have either held their own or edged down just slightly.* V" x& B9 ?: R5 q
        Affordability has been kept out of the danger zone, helping to0 o+ u: x- _+ F4 t+ @; g
        minimize any downside risks.
" G) X4 O( F0 M( U, d    -   Ontario: With the recession pounding many communities, housing market( `; R% E2 g  V( t' Y! }
        conditions have deteriorated considerably. However, the impact is0 [# N' L" ~" d! X: b5 S) c7 ]2 b
        unlikely to develop into an all-out rout similar to that of the early
$ w! y, h, X) b6 D        1990s. Affordability, while still causing some stress, is quickly
+ U6 ?9 U9 J1 I2 ^        being restored to levels closer to long-term averages.
, T; |& W& u7 B9 U1 u8 Z    -   Quebec: The province's housing markets have been among the last in. Y6 o. m# c  R  B
        Canada to yield to the weakening trend. The main sign of cooling thus6 Q9 {6 x. p' ^8 q2 E& H
        far has been a drop in resale activity, as prices have held up
3 o7 u4 P, U1 D9 B0 }- b+ @0 G        reasonably well. Some of the persisting market strength can be3 S3 f5 \2 |# _/ k5 D: P3 k0 H6 X
        ascribed to sensible affordability levels, which had eroded only3 I8 [9 b( Q7 q; ]9 S) m
        modestly in recent years.3 g  i! Q8 r  J/ P* a3 L7 e1 T
    -   Atlantic region: Markets have largely remained stable against the
# X$ i* x  n" l9 n; }: [8 z6 Q4 P$ W        general housing downturn, with St. John's becoming the housing hot
) D, m# j( I% e$ N1 d( u# C! Q        spot in Canada and Halifax and Saint John maintaining steady upward
8 C) d5 D% c$ l. p4 l) g        price momentum. The region is benefiting from improving affordability
9 G/ W4 I% q1 Q1 C- s6 Y1 d/ R        following two years of deterioration.
9 `' v( O0 ^! k    >>
鲜花(115) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-16 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-17 18:19 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-18 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-18 16:31 | 显示全部楼层
看7,8月份的了, 如果成交量支持不住, 年底价格会降, 应该在5个点左右. 要是支持住了, 年底就没多少好降了, 就属于冬天正常的回调.
* q1 f' W, S( `. ], q' {. [" S1 ^) `& {3 h) r! f; _* p- k. @+ X
以上纯属个人观点, 仅供娱乐之用
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2009-4-18 17:37 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-18 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
http://www.bobtruman.com/Edmonton_SFH_stats/page_1918017.html# x2 R/ {1 G: m/ X

. D/ U9 O. I; R( vSales/New Listing Ratio  又涨了,  63% (四月的前2周)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-19 00:09 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-19 07:33 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 polyhedron 于 2009-4-18 17:31 发表 : a6 [# a1 `* v9 `* Q
看7,8月份的了, 如果成交量支持不住, 年底价格会降, 应该在5个点左右. 要是支持住了, 年底就没多少好降了, 就属于冬天正常的回调.. L8 e6 m. }1 l$ y! l4 w, G2 v7 v
, a3 F4 d& l+ j9 V( J$ D
以上纯属个人观点, 仅供娱乐之用

# ]1 R; Z, @; x9 b* `不需要等到七八月份,五月底,今年的趋势就明了。year over year, 降价幅度 15-20%
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-19 08:36 | 显示全部楼层
这里是工业省,工作机会比温哥华多几倍,房价却只有温哥华的一半,温哥华120万以上才叫房子,那还是在最多中国人住的RICHMOND,西温区和北温区还有UBC附近的温西全是几百万的,而这里60万就是豪宅了。! h2 r0 S1 M# ~  |
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-19 09:38 | 显示全部楼层
涨了,快抢。/ k; Z/ Y7 v3 e1 }2 `( w! T
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-19 09:49 | 显示全部楼层
1。天气暖和了,房子好卖了" |( d# J1 @, X
2。利率低4 G# G& G, y1 z8 c' w% y& _# u/ L
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-19 10:57 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 雪水 于 2009-4-19 09:36 发表
2 L0 o  A0 u9 d4 j; I这里是工业省,工作机会比温哥华多几倍,房价却只有温哥华的一半,温哥华120万以上才叫房子,那还是在最多中国人住的RICHMOND,西温区和北温区还有UBC附近的温西全是几百万的,而这里60万就是豪宅了。
  u. N; F, O+ |4 h8 j9 s* ]& G+ K0 {温哥华30万买 ...

- s7 S7 y4 K  e大姐,多买几套吧,别错过了发财的机会。
鲜花(11) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-19 12:30 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 雪水 于 2009-4-19 08:36 AM 发表
% r( ^  h! _5 I8 B* f: b6 l这里是工业省,工作机会比温哥华多几倍,房价却只有温哥华的一半,温哥华120万以上才叫房子,那还是在最多中国人住的RICHMOND,西温区和北温区还有UBC附近的温西全是几百万的,而这里60万就是豪宅了。
* b! e3 D. w0 v; v温哥华30万买 ...

) J' g, n4 P; {! B
* D, ^. F# m, }! `, X$ h9 Z话是这么说, 可温哥华地方多好, 去中国也方便, 那里房价高自有道理
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2009-4-19 14:43 | 显示全部楼层
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