鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)
Summer Job Opportunity for
$ v. ?( j, V3 I9 J4 cChildren’s Summer Program Assistant, 2009
+ v; E& q$ G0 r3 h; C& _5 ]+ y+ ]& V& O" f' B9 x5 p" F
# ?7 F8 r+ o+ a: _- Support the Summer Children’s Program Coordinator in the
. N1 _: S5 E4 _! ]- i( m+ R6 L preparation and implementation of the Summer Camps
6 ? T+ C; J7 D$ f- Assist with facilitating the summer children’s program
! u' E8 K6 C2 J2 r) i- Assist with preparing final report for funding agencies, f% K& B! j# Q' W3 t2 K
- Act according to the guidance or direction of the Program
2 F% `( q, X2 h* k$ R. I+ j Coordinator
5 g& e9 {' G+ y* |- Assist with any other program related tasks as assigned by the Senior Program Manager
8 e2 E# i' [6 o; M* j
9 Y2 K v1 l4 P/ }: aQualifications:% {$ [% k3 ~! u, n# f; ?% m _1 w
- Post secondary student in Education, Social Sciences, Human Sciences, Early Childhood
6 K7 u' U- D" |2 s0 t" f! i Development, Physical Education or equivalent of experience and education
. i V- g( L' s- Should have some experience planning and delivering recreation programs to children% B. n7 V2 Q' U# H3 h, d' T9 i9 `
- Good coordinating, communicating and interpersonal skills; x; e" p( X( X
- Must enjoy sports and other athletic activities
! U7 ^4 _7 a* E- Fluency in English and Chinese or Cantonese8 z/ ?6 ^7 @6 [. m4 t, S, k( q
- Demonstrate strong leadership abilities
; `( n5 d1 d) \* b8 P- Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
, Z8 [9 y, X6 K; I4 i. K# U- Returning student (should return to school after summer)
n% D% z" f7 h( {- Successful applicants must undergo security and child welfare check at own expense( b- A- b2 ]3 |
% ]0 B2 H0 y, o
Other Information:
) x4 u G: i/ K. x- Hours of work: Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm (35 hours/week) in May and June (planning) 8 L# I9 N3 ?4 v8 b
and 8:30am to 4:30pm (35 hours/week) in July and August(summer camps)' A) e8 L% q/ P; w8 K$ C$ F
- Employment term is May 11 to August 31, 2009
) H, k/ {( Y+ \! B* D; q
* K( |# ?) B9 s/ h5 HSalary) N' Z4 f5 k& Z7 @3 ]
- $14.00 per hour
& d. E2 s5 K, [, `- J; F9 V- l- z# e! Y. x1 M, ~2 A* [
Please submit a cover letter and resume to: Flora Chan, Youth Program Coordinator, ASSIST Community Services Centre, 9649-105A Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5H 0M3 or fax: (780) 424-7837 or email: flora.chan@assistcsc.org. Closing date is May 1, 2009. No phone calls please.- t5 Y3 p: Z: y. i1 o9 e
# ~2 f' C1 h. Y) t: q2 f1 X0 }[ 本帖最后由 ASSIST 于 2009-4-14 13:44 编辑 ] |