埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-8 15:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
During Canada’s “Housing Boom”, which ran roughly
; f2 I+ s$ }$ rfrom 2002 to 2008, unsustainable price increases drove0 ^- Z1 J# Y# u/ a) m7 |" ~; V
unsustainable levels of building. Our view is that house* X$ X  A( q* k
prices exceeded the value of housing that was justified by
0 K) j: u) m& T0 I$ D5 ~; Xfundamentals by approximately 9% nationwide. This' e# z$ @) t0 C) D7 F* }0 v
overpricing compelled a level of residential construction4 ^% K% g* _, r1 A  O) F7 h0 F
that exceeded its fundamental-justified level by approximately
( }6 f+ W0 `9 C" x) t# O0 ]% ?- X12%, an excess that was exaggerated in the past9 T1 w: I/ b8 {; Q9 w
three years.7 _6 {# j, i, U# E7 g
By “overpricing” we mean that prices detached from
1 b# q( k. C1 }# \* G, `/ }; i: G5 {their fundamentals, as witnessed by a steep erosion of2 G1 M4 u) {2 l# I
affordability. The current unwinding of house prices reflects1 [/ D7 w! u5 C+ d! q! I5 B
both a cyclical downturn and a return of house prices- {# L7 N! O! V0 c0 _+ r
to fundamentally justified levels.
4 t2 S6 d/ U) S. ]2 m4 W% I2 _: `" vWe consider “overbuilding” of two forms: “demanddriven”
6 W, @( Q+ S# M- ?: @) Qwhere homebuyers buy up too many houses and% M( @( a" f6 N
that this demand cannot be sustained; and “supply-driven”
- l6 A; d! c% J+ D# @# C2 ?1 a7 kwhere builders accumulate excessive inventories. Although6 K0 v6 i, D( U  x# @6 C& K
there is evidence of both types, we contend that Canada’s# p- ^0 Q$ w0 l4 ]" }; }5 v4 l3 p
“overbuilding” was mainly of the first type, where% z/ g) _8 j8 z7 C
homebuyers pushed homebuilding to an unsustainable pitch
4 C* L4 j/ W1 d2 `! y+ i0 Wthat is now being rapidly reined in., Q; V+ ]& R9 ~1 E
While most markets won’t face U.S.-style overhangs,
9 H5 c$ K+ Q+ t! c5 d6 L: \the construction of too many new homes over the boom8 |" |( B# z7 `( t9 z
means a deepened slump. This overbuilding will likely weigh
& l. U% h' o* `on markets over the next few years. Even as Canada recovers# c; {# t% ^/ q# a; W2 h% g
from the cyclical downturn, house price growth will, r6 ~4 B4 H: p% Q$ [$ a3 l8 S7 {
remain choppy and new residential construction will be
+ M( w( e! W! d! x( ]9 ~$ B. adampened, owing to this structural weakness. Construction
4 X/ k+ e! ^) ~/ zis now undershooting fundamentals and we expect this; \& r& e/ i. ^! ^; V
to persist over 2009 to 2011. We anticipate that nationwide
: l* h) T- U& j6 l* }: a, ~residential construction will fall further to around2 y+ s! w3 A/ L" D+ h
125,000 starts over 2009 with a trough around 115,000 units- u8 D! `3 e6 B$ O
in the fourth quarter.! w9 v: f# P  k: {/ @  C
To quantify the degree of overpricing and overbuilding,' t4 ?' B3 `; G1 O) g  Q
we first develop an empirical model, based on long-run
' @6 O. ~" t* d" l4 p9 U% i$ zfundamentals of house prices and housing starts in each) j. q; v' ~8 m
province. Affordability is the key concept behind home
8 u' w0 c# e& F$ Uvalues since house prices should track incomes over the
% H! ~; g/ ]. r3 \long-run. Since homebuilders build to meet demand, we1 _  M7 X; P  c0 w* O$ X
regard housing prices and household formation as the drivers
3 V3 j2 C' F5 C1 ?! Z4 @% ^+ `3 }% qof residential construction.: r9 @4 Y' \; ^4 \/ K
To examine the degree of overbuilding, we employ a
+ }( a6 ^+ [# t4 D( N6 U5 p“counter-factual,” asking what level of residential construction
: m) n: k4 F" `, n& o# Twould have occurred if housing had been priced
" _2 F+ J* V% Q6 [" coptimally. We find that actual homebuilding exceeded this
8 y$ O& y1 |/ B% n7 ]( gfundamental-justified level by about 12%. Although new
' v" d0 d/ B+ i6 V  Punits were being absorbed, homebuyers simply bought too, S% f1 ^- B& H
many houses at prices that exceeded fundamentals.  n7 p6 V9 I0 K+ \3 R
Regionally, we see the greatest strains on the Prairies,  r' L* A/ y1 L7 W
where housing demand will further contract under waning$ m( r- J- V# l# F, B/ h! b4 y! {
population inflows. Saskatoon, Calgary and Edmonton are" d8 H# `/ M0 g  m
already witnessing surges in their unsold new homes at the
; [' N" n! A4 M2 \8 rvery time that the resale market has swung into strong
! w: y- A; k, I* ibuyers’ territory. Homebuilding in the Atlantic provinces
/ W8 n# \5 X9 ]. p( thas been relatively balanced but, while not plagued by structural# g$ k' H+ V4 z) P% s& m6 r
weakness, will be singed by the downturn nonetheless.
' Z' _/ m$ S% \- C, W  Q4 eQuébec shows signs of strain – especially given the/ w- p8 u  x- A! t) V' r
strange accumulation of unabsorbed multiples on l’Île de
+ i# I& f$ Y! ^0 e8 b1 b# k6 D) WMontréal – but recent building has been relatively balanced,1 F7 m! z. H, k9 f& D2 c, ?
given the province’s history of under-building and low ownership7 q' J) B" S6 x4 }) k8 S8 b
rates. While Ontario homebuilding will reel from a
- Z8 j0 Q6 p0 \+ M  ecyclical downturn, the degree of structural weakness appears
, S0 Q6 J  @, a* R0 V/ P( slimited – with the important exception of the Toronto6 g  `4 i+ H1 V7 S
condo market. Both in Toronto and Vancouver, historically* ~+ E" C/ j- E4 t4 x! i
high levels of apartment-style units presently under
# f3 _8 u' T( iconstruction mean that record numbers of condos will/ O" P' ~9 L4 r; f! D6 ^! x1 Y
reach completion during 2009. If absorption rates fall, as) f  s' ]6 Z1 ?! a; M
cyclical factors would indicate, condo inventories could9 v9 H4 E2 ?, V6 ?
spike severely – particularly in Vancouver. However, while
0 R& B: R: h. Aresidential construction in B.C. will definitely droop, we
% F6 d+ X" o+ _anticipate that the West Coast will continue to benefit from
: `) i0 |  M3 ~, s" z( Y' Binter-provincial and international migration over the coming( l7 _- U9 }9 Y  R
years, which, along with improvements in affordability,
3 Z& s4 }& [& q; pwill alleviate some of the pressure from overbuilding.7 w6 q- o) K9 t+ `: j7 [; r0 \& p
' E! n- D3 l3 [1 g: lGrant Bishop, Economist2 W6 i' m0 d; {7 j9 H' W7 @
6 n  f! s" y) }8 c8 ]9 W$ SPascal Gauthier, Economist
( @' @; z3 I( E2 m8 T416-944-5730
" J9 h# C3 }1 ?3 [( n7 F3 P2 Z/ F: F* m3 j( b% {
鲜花(52) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-8 20:39 | 显示全部楼层
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