You can, but IELTS is strongly recommended.... V6 _( {& X0 k R
9 K# w' r" Q( S/ Q+ p2 m+ H9 _8 CLots of people were requested even though they provided “个人陈述”的信. $ ?0 r4 G$ w0 _" r # L+ P+ F3 g/ Z6 X% AIf you don't want to waste time to receive the request of IELTS from CIC. Take a test, and I don't think it's hard for people here.
原帖由 VisaSky 于 2009-4-1 14:33 发表 $ z& x# v( v0 a/ OYou can, but IELTS is strongly recommended... / { r$ u. a6 ]! s, `0 Y" U7 @8 k9 q% S! i0 w0 R; D G$ r
Lots of people were requested even though they provided “个人陈述”的信. & h& ]+ l. I& ^8 C. `' Y; ^# J: ]; w6 j7 L
If you don't want to waste time to receive the request of IELTS from CIC. ...