埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[求职信息] 求文职工作~~ 谢谢大家

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-22 20:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- I3 Z/ i* Q+ f+ {' a3 }. F
( ^( ]; J, i7 ~% E陆陆续续看了这个版面一段时间。。一直都是只看没注册~ 潜水。。今天也来发个求职帖~
6 g/ h& Y! R4 J* [6 S" N9 Q/ k/ A$ z6 P6 `6 I& p! t
小兔去年12月从UA毕业,经济危机,虽然一直都有看广告投RESUME,但找工作屡屡碰壁。。- -# 1 x. P6 c6 _1 q% `+ I! r; c

, G# w3 m; n; f7 j6 C听朋友,加拿大的公司比国内的还注重人际关系,只要有人refer你,就很容易可以轻松搞定~
, s6 s: n: V! ]  y% a% Z( |
9 ?9 ^& Y- f3 A* ?6 Z) u9 U. ]* x! R现求一文职工作,还希望大家帮帮~ 小女子在此拜谢~
; H2 o# V. ]& b5 s+ Z! @+ k
- U* R. @* f6 e& M- s本人英语写读说以及沟通能力强,有做办公室助理的经验,精通MS软件,和基本的accounting软件,责任感强,做事认真仔细,记忆力很好,凡事不懂肯虚心学~
5 W. L$ z8 V2 A' R3 E: I+ A7 C! z3 I# f6 u% ?* P
请有消息的朋友联系下~ 再度感谢!!不胜感激!!9 O! m3 p' |0 Q* y

. @; A& A/ l. w6 n(如果你觉得我是你未来员工的合适人选的话,请留下E-MAIL,我会发RESUME给你)
, |' B7 j7 a5 K1 C! T- `6 |7 @
: n5 P! q9 U/ O! _5 SPS. 本人专业Science Psychology,找对口专业很难,正在补读一个certificate,所以目前想找个文职的工作做做~ 人各有志 还请大家口下留情。。再度感谢。。
" F. ^: r* m2 i, n1 D5 }( }' k
) i& L7 C7 a! C8 |8 D/ s; N[ 本帖最后由 tuaiai 于 2009-3-22 22:36 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-22 21:11 | 显示全部楼层
ua毕业,有专业没有?4年时间就会这点东东,怎么推荐也推不上啊?我还想明年去上ua 这不是费钱又费时间?
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-22 21:24 | 显示全部楼层
  h+ F9 B, ]' A' S
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-22 22:28 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-22 22:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-25 08:47 | 显示全部楼层
省政府招聘大量的行政助理,不妨试试:  http://www.jobs.alberta.ca/
8 t) q/ T. R1 T- Q! QGood Luck!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-25 11:52 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢大家~~ ) q! @1 e, A4 e! S
, u: \+ r! o# r5 p, y
我看了下,政府的文职貌似大部分都需要工作经验。。只能眼馋了。。0 i5 C/ \3 @! d& i( i, G; M

0 T! Z( G6 s1 ^7 {% ?) k& C) {3 ~不管怎样~ 依旧感谢~~~
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-27 06:27 | 显示全部楼层
不要光眼馋,不试试怎么知道自己不行呢?现在经济形势不好,很多公司都在cut admin一类的overhead,所以我觉得有机会就该去争取一下。但因为专业不对口,简历一定要写的有技巧,否则面试都难。
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-27 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-27 17:53 | 显示全部楼层
The pay is not too bad.2 E) P1 n5 ]5 u/ z1 D0 L
# w( T6 ], ^! r! t+ H
This is an inventory advertisement. Please note that you are registering into an inventory, not applying for a specific position.
1 y7 S. a% s( L' l- C0 R: pCandidates who are found qualified will be considered for positions as they become available. If you have already applied on this process and have been assessed, you will not be reconsidered.
- h( }( Z9 B7 p+ kOffice Services Clerk (Inventory)
/ }; ]: D( K# Z! A) \7 HDepartment Name: Department of Justice Canada
; O, N9 p+ i3 j% Z1 oLocation: Edmonton . E: G1 v# l' o9 i1 C' u$ H' U
Classification: CR - 03
/ U* n' O  U! _, zSalary: $37,581 to $40,5370 x1 y+ F3 Q, T) l. ^
Closing Date: N/A
( S$ h1 U$ S& y; K+ JReference Number: JUS09J-009711-000005
" z8 V% E* a4 s" }" ]: M$ j3 F! hSelection Process Number: N/A) B$ e$ z, C' b( a* d* j
Employment Tenure: Term or indeterminate. Candidates will be screened and assessed as opportunities become available.8 D* J4 s0 ]8 h; i$ Q. ~6 Y
Vacancies: Number to be determined ; u4 I. G# K# j7 h

3 J2 B4 h5 K# q6 DWho Can Apply:
3 J8 ?* ?" w; K/ j9 Y5 n) SUseful Information
# E1 a3 y7 H! y4 V- U, a: o% ^Persons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad. ! N4 t" ^, j& D  v
Citizenship6 u6 a% R+ H7 ]3 k
Useful Information
) ^/ N0 L, E4 Y. B: hPreference will be given to Canadian citizens. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.5 v- h: d" \8 E6 O8 Q, s: T2 n
Language Proficiency3 `5 x6 c/ c- v; U) r* a- h2 c$ [) ?
Useful Information
/ G) A" H' L: S! i1 s$ ?Applicants must demonstrate in their application that they meet the following merit criteria to be retained for further consideration.
# v, Z5 M  L* i' M- v; x, }3 GEnglish essential
! S7 R% \1 ]0 y" I* _Education( z) d. _+ o0 b
Useful Information3 e- J% D6 b. B5 x' c4 i& X9 j3 A& x
Successful completion of secondary school.
" |1 Z% |2 z' n1 Z( C9 |Experience
  K& T. Y4 @2 F. j5 H2 KExperience using small hand tools and power tools. ; v. l8 R0 C6 Q, v, U. J: B% E" ~7 \
Experience ordering supplies.
7 _* n" `; s- N* W6 AExperience in inventory management and disposal of assets.
; O6 P; q% s  y  \  C& |9 ~Experience using Microsoft Outlook.
# T# D2 B7 g9 B& {1 EOther Merit Criteria and Conditions of Employment8 \/ Y1 [# f3 z8 P
* }" h- O" T- _; V! t2 w8 `9 `/ G# ?- {& d$ u* r% `' y3 B
Experience working in an office environment.. s( X" x6 v5 W& Z
Experience using Microsoft Word and Excel.
# M! Q7 }/ `* s0 e9 lOPERATIONAL NEEDS; |) q( ~! c7 e# ~

. |3 e( S& a% B! h9 G7 I% Z( C2 ]- U* dIn support of achieving a diversified workforce and our employment equity goals, selection may be limited to candidates self-identifying as belonging to one of the following Employment Equity groups: Aboriginal peoples, Persons with a Disability and Visible Minorities.7 x6 v/ `4 u( X9 x5 z( v- Y+ E' Z
5 P1 X1 X. p3 W: R, Q( j- T* Z3 o2 P! F& B8 W- W* b; y  p
Security Clearance: Secret.
# d+ Q0 D! J. b& _Willing and able to work overtime in the evenings and weekends as required.7 ~! [3 I. l) {% C+ M* a
Statement of Merit Criteria
* T- l" L0 t, Y2 C  JApplicants who meet the above criteria will also be assessed against the Statement of Merit Criteria for this position.  y( H9 Y4 P% y1 M
Additional Requirements / Comments
, m- P: o$ y/ j% k' PApplicants must clearly demonstrate how they meet the education and experience qualifications in their resume. Failure to do so will result in their application being screened out without further consideration.
" ~; h' Z9 v- GProof of education must be submitted at the interview.
* Z" A2 ?0 i- b% V* M8 q! rCandidates with foreign credentials must provide proof of Canadian equivalency. Consult the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials for further information at http://www.cicic.ca/indexe.stm.( O1 h" L. S) x3 j/ O2 k' _
Candidates must meet the Essential Qualifications to be appointed to the position. Candidates may be expected to meet, in whole or in part, the criteria related to the Assets, Operational Requirements and Organizational Needs, depending on the position being staffed.) f6 B: f% H& |1 B( g' o0 o+ h
Candidates from outside the federal public service may be required to pay for their own travel and relocation expenses.
% J$ U$ W6 ?' K0 \2 g+ O1 VRandom selection may be used to identify which applicants will be assessed in this appointment process.# j8 S  U  {8 _3 s" o3 ?" I
Receipt of applications will not be sent; only candidates successful in the screening process will be contacted.
$ @1 f. B! S2 L' OA pool of qualified candidates may be established and may be used to staff similar vacancies on a term or indeterminate basis in the Department of Justice Canada or Public Prosecution Service of Canada.
2 c$ ]! R) L8 o/ j8 s0 iATTENTION: All information must be provided on-line. Do not fax or mail in hard copy documents as these will not be accepted., M1 d" _) V4 U5 I
All job applications must therefore be submitted through the Public Service Resourcing System (PSRS). Following are some of the benefits associated with applying on-line.
/ }" h: C* S" k: U) l. e- H% G# e' u0 E% N
• Applicants can create a profile and a resume that can be used when applying for other processes without having to recreate a new application each time.3 C# z- ?. O7 ]% J6 w
• Applicants can modify their application/resume at anytime BEFORE the closing date indicated on the job advertisement.. I) k" _; |% @
• Applicants can verify the status of their applications, at any time.! z6 ~/ q: N0 d; s7 h& O/ `8 g  w. S
• Applicants can be notified electronically of tests or interviews and results.) F$ f) W' h  s2 z6 V6 ^
• For some jobs, applicants will find important information, namely the job questionnaire and a complete statement of merit criteria that are only available when applying on-line.! [, o  q* V! s  {
$ H" S, X, a+ ]% m
To submit an application on-line, please click on the button “Apply Now” below.
" L9 B* @, r, [. ?5 r: w0 D& v% M1 U7 C/ d# {. g
Persons with disabilities preventing them from applying on-line, are asked to contact us toll free at 1-800-645-5605 and press '0' for assistance.
5 D* I8 P- @7 s: u/ QInformation to be provided:
0 K0 j, b+ z; Q8 l: b0 B% R# A, SYou must provide the following information when submitting your application:7 X3 k7 d; a  \- r, q5 i
Your résumé.
8 V' _0 b, |: Y. V* o- [0 ~You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment Tenure $ s) z4 f4 ^5 M  L0 p8 ?3 R1 S
! d. G# t$ {0 r' p7 l
7 Q: |8 Z/ v( r5 n6 x
( }$ P& A/ }2 M' NImportant Messages
3 l6 t# |0 c$ e2 R. s4 D. N9 [0 EThe inventory will be updated each year and an e-mail notification will be sent to your account.7 S5 ?/ v5 J5 }4 S2 m% i' b
Your résumé must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements.% w4 i5 w& r  A; T( I
We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.' G7 D5 C3 T" D) b
Questions regarding travel and relocation.
, K0 M& E" m1 G' O9 m" d+ RThe Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.
' F! j& h$ {; j9 M/ i+ ^7 u% F  `The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise the Public Service Commission or the departmental official in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.: h0 J% x* n( e: w! K* R
2 y5 F1 g- @; P2 Y2 ^4 }5 k
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 ~7 c6 c: P: [, e' T
Apply Online
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-28 20:42 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-10-3 01:29 | 显示全部楼层
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