谢谢楼上! + m, T# I. k& a) n0 E, O听人说阿省的消费很低,但是和温哥华的比较起来,好象是差不多的!0 P; ~ x# E( `$ ~6 o' G
温哥华的房子一般都包水电和上网什么杂七杂八的都包,价格也就300左右;然后这边吃饭一个月也就100啊!感觉一样的! : ^/ F: B9 J4 I h+ \ O; J' U) P还有就是交通的问题,温哥华这边分区的,不同的区不同的交通费用,不知道Edmonton是不是一样的?
about 400 or 500 dollars per month. . I, C- y: u, u* V2 ?- K M/ C
There is no different zoon in Edmonton. Bus fare is 2 dollars in one hour and a half, and you can go anywhere. Bus pass in 54 dollars for student.
Food here is more expensive than Vancouver. I went to Vancouver twice. They have more chinese restaurants (and some of them are real chinese food), and the price is cheaper than here because it is more competitive there. And there are more vegetables and fruit growing there so people don't need to pay for the diliver fee.