原帖由 nonoedmonton 于 2009-1-26 09:29 发表 - U, C. g5 o: J- f6 ^7 [! H2 Z2323 square feet and 2565 square feet 的房子能差多少钱呀啊?? 0 `6 s& U p0 R8 o: E3 _% K到底应不应该马上买房子呀??8 I3 t' q. E* O
到底现在的房价跌了多少呀??? ' T" M( x2 F6 O# {如果买,应给出多少钱呀?? ! q7 K& H. E. t! s谢谢大家帮忙了。。。 5 p# v3 Z) g' p7 f3 k现在都被弄蒙了。。。。
/ \9 y6 V& R7 [
. ~9 G7 x' H2 g4 TAbout 160$~200$/sqft. Varies depending on location and renovation.4 ?9 e6 i; K( ?: b$ z: b
Current price per square feet is about the same as that at the end of 2005. Calculate by yourself and keep it as your bottem line and you will not be off too much. : n7 ~7 G* P8 a( T4 o( i4 e1 M8 S+ P7 k- D; S
IMPORTANT: Do not trust a realtor if you do not know him/her before. Very often, they provide you with biased information and do not tell you the whole story. BUYER BE AWARE!
The price difference depends... the lot size, location and renovation, even the different builder have different promotion plan could arise the difference.