原帖由 FrankSoccer 于 2009-1-26 01:55 发表 + p' @! T8 S- T+ |! }0 M
我们二月份要在市里足球中心(西区和南区)踢三次。有20个左右的朋友。还会邀请4-6个球员。订了场地我会发通知。 . ^# @$ ?* l K + p" u; K7 s& Q' z. k, ~$ G也想了解一下这个学校的情况
3 x/ Q* X1 `- o2 E, B% Q, @" }Hey,Frank,can you pm me or post the schedule out? add me on your email list: hanpeng525@hotmail.com) W2 r; n* i$ Y
( p' w& [: o% @& ~" Y
One of my friends wants to play, could you give him a call and let him know the time and stuff? ! m' j5 s) p3 T& H( U9 p6 ?& O+ r# R8 ^6 P
780-691-9681 " C# p$ W8 f1 m0 g& N" |/ {
Bodunwa' k; P& m+ x) H/ x0 j. ^
! z1 I- V% p0 |# KHe doesn't speak Chinese btw.* D8 `+ o/ U/ N/ |0 {& Z