埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(66) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-19 09:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" y& ~. m/ l4 U, J" D. R$ ]+ u感谢大家的一直关心和关注,以下是最近一次会议记录。请注意红色字体部分,9月29日市政府将讨论我们让市府拨款8万加元到这个项目的申请,OMNI 中文电视台记者也会到场。希望我们社区有70人参加。讨论有可能是在白天,也有可能是晚上。具体时间敬请等待通知。
) H) Z8 A8 m0 f. P" Z: ]. k/ W1 m3 d" K" n; E1 Y2 k8 s
China Quake Relief Rebuild School in Sichuan Committee
; Y1 @' z+ |6 d% wMeeting minutes for Sept 4
* D, s6 t$ A0 |6 D+ O+ f0 }. H(Please note, this is the meeting minutes for Sept 4 plus the progress after the meeting till now)$ r8 C- T9 L/ H1 D" Y% g* E: u
+ s! T6 ~" ?2 b' m) W! U' |4 W- g& O
Time : 9 pm
- O- o8 h  S# s( e2 l- }- Y5 kLocation: 11711 35A Ave.1 ^  N% \/ {, y+ N$ q; c
Attendance: Art Zhang, Sharon Zhang, Michael Phair, Franksoccer, Florence Yeung, Hubert Hsu
2 y4 M; ^6 k* e$ A7 `+ s) Z9 I. a. q' T8 P8 _2 ?

* U+ V; @# H! V1 M1. Hubert reports:; ?: \$ g( y5 o
The progress of the collection for Sponsorship fee from the Chinese community -  30 of the sponsor groups submitted their $500 cheque except one organization. This week, the last one also send their cheque to Chinese Students & Scholars Association at U of A. Robin Hao will arrange CSSA to send a $500 cheque to our treasurer (Sharon).  So we finished and completed this task.. N0 [- C% g! P' v1 W% L+ o# l7 B
) T6 |* d+ N% B4 [0 D
2. Michael Phair reports:
* n& E/ i3 J' f$ s; D+ o3 y1 CThe Fund Raising Banquet on Aug. 23  - The banquet on Aug. 23 was very successful. It was organized by Florence Liew. Mary Lu was the MC. Michael Phair represented our committee to receive the cheque from them. They announced on the Chinese newspaper that they donated $11934.08 to us. When Sharon Zhang double checked  and counted the cheques. We only received $11,369 from Michael. Yesterday, Michael sent a message to Sharon. Florence Liew confirmed that they only sent $11,369 to us. Hubert Hsu will send a 'Notice' to the Chinese newspaper. The Notice will indicate that we received $11,369 from Florence Liew, and appreciation to Florence and her company for supporting our Rebuild School Fund Raising. Please note, the Fund Raising Banquet was not organized by us.3 [7 V$ l% \7 c9 z

3 t; n2 C& T' T1 P  P; e& d! l' W; F3. Don Iveson will make a motion to city council on Sept 17 for City of Edmonton to donate $80,000 to Rebuild School Project. At this time, Mayor Mandel is very support this ideal at this moment. The City council will debate this motion on Sept 29. We need a lobby group to work on the city councilors. Hubert suggested the following : Since Florence Yeung and Robin Hao are our PR and spokespersons, so these two ladies will join the lobby team. Mary Lu, Art Zhang and Hubert Hsu should also join the group if they have time. Michael will arrange and set up the meeting for the lobby group. Michael also suggested that we should invite some well known Chinese community leaders into our lobby group. Hubert suggested that we should consider our sponsor group first. In this two weeks, Hubert contacted Frank Gee(Chairman of Chinese Benevolent Association - CBA), Henry Fung(Chairman of Edmonton Chinatown Multicultural Centre- ECMC) and Barbra Fung (represent Alberta Chinese Cultural Society -ACCS & Chinese Free Mason - CFM). They all accept the invitation to join the lobby group.7 F+ ^/ h$ Z$ x+ X
$ ~& w. Q* K. U) O5 Z
The above new members (Frank Gee, Henry Fung and Barbra Fung) to join the lobby group were approved by Florence Yeung , Art Zhang, Sharon Zhang and Robin Hao (telephone conversation and  meeting on Sept 15 Robin's new Bubble Tea Shop ).1 G! t) M& _0 l  r! ?- k$ Q
* h. u! K! i* e
Florence Yeung, please coordinate with Frank Gee about any meeting come up for the lobby group.
4 d0 o! f! |& m4 Z5 b, n
; ]" }* @7 \- P) G4 a4. Michael Phair suggested that we invite lots of  people to show up on Sept 29's debate. Art supposed to coordinate this with Laoyang and his www.edmontonchina.com. We need around 70 people to join the city council on Sept 29.5 e: B$ l# ?. H$ G' M  p1 W
- a  q* t% \$ O6 P! r
5. We need our Chairman Michael Phair to write a letter to request Chinese Benevolent Association(CBA) to donate $5,000 to our project. Sept 28 will be the CBA meeting. Michael, will you have time at 1 pm Sept 28 to CBA for this meeting? together with your letter.  I will go with you to join this meeting too. Florence Yeung will make a motion for this request. Barbra Fung also will help for this motion.
1 d( G$ @" {+ A0 u
) W+ [" s- l: j8 q; H3 w1 s6. In the meeting, we suggested Florence Yeung to contact Dave Hancock for this Rebuild School Project. Since Barbara Fung also has good relationship with Dave Hancock. Hubert recommended both ladies working together on this area.! \# H9 U# Q5 b
% C8 ?! G2 w0 X- ~  g2 D! d* K
7. The bank August statement come in. We have to pass it to Ed Lam so that he can finish his audit.
鲜花(115) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-19 09:42 | 显示全部楼层
3. Don Iveson will make a motion to city council on Sept 17 for City of Edmonton to donate $80,000 to Rebuild School Project. At this time, Mayor Mandel is very support this ideal at this moment. The City council will debate this motion on Sept 29. + Q) h4 p. k* P& v# t
) G0 w0 r& A( O
7 A( a' |9 H- [8 y7 x9 C
4. Michael Phair suggested that we invite lots of  people to show up on Sept 29's debate. Art supposed to coordinate this with Laoyang and his www.edmontonchina.com. We need around 70 people to join the city council on Sept 29.

, z4 q$ ?* [' ?7 E/ h) \0 X" K% x* ^! k
, h3 v. N7 r/ z7 s
9月29日市政府将讨论我们让市府拨款8万加元到这个项目的申请,OMNI 中文电视台记者也会到场。希望我们社区(华人)有70人参加。讨论有可能是在白天,也有可能是晚上。具体时间敬请等待通知。8 Q2 q( `" z! Y1 R

, z$ E. {' [, ~/ j
+ M6 y) `  T4 S# ~( p! e; ^/ V/ }2 g
[ 本帖最后由 年轻的心 于 2008-9-19 10:48 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-19 09:59 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-14 14:14 | 显示全部楼层


老杨团队 追求完美
广东武警医院整形美容中心是国家最高级别三级甲等公立整形机构,被业界誉为国内美容与整形的"美丽梦工厂,丰胸、双眼皮、隆鼻、除皱嫩肤吸脂你的放心首选。. H/ ]7 T6 U1 c* X
+ L+ @4 e( v8 p
3 l$ g9 @7 L( q  c4 @7 C4 x1 _1 e- X' h' U

8 g$ |3 ]- x" G. W8 I. e' e; o
0 J5 v6 l7 A' e/ F, F  S3 d; x4 C. q  _7 x9 `
* N3 s$ F8 I' |4 Z6 y: U  K  x
& d: T8 F' j% Q8 y! O4 h$ y
  z! i- y$ l8 i

/ Y6 g+ |# F6 s0 p! C0 O$ t- B/ R
# S- P* J6 v! P! i8 e. W0 d
$ N8 q3 T9 Z1 I- m7 ~/ x" X, O8 |9 f4 c4 r$ Y. |9 e1 L
9 ~5 N" z2 ]3 l4 w3 |
7 M: i% y9 ~1 I. b+ {# t

% z3 g1 K- `- X% H) M1 @0 T8 m3 N2 T# i
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-8 21:43 | 显示全部楼层


# k: j- y$ u* I" ^- I9 s, @+ F+ F; q& g! D- X

9 R* V4 [8 z4 J9 K' z
# ]" v( A3 g8 Y$ v
/ E) Q+ T+ H+ u7 P
) P+ B+ z* X. h, s) |
3 L3 B+ h7 u* b* Q/ s+ @
& S+ w  Y8 j! ?% K  i
" N' D/ w$ q& e2 T. z! l
! d9 p2 T  j# R- X( ^/ Z, Z0 {% w4 e4 K3 z2 V0 s7 H5 s2 U. o

, r6 n0 C3 f2 F. ~- m  A$ p, W3 s% n+ v' _& T6 p, _
& `9 @3 t3 b% T. F
/ F  K! _# |* w# [1 q
3 h% I- w+ c1 H
" K: Q2 m# t' [5 L/ a# Q

7 s) W9 _! f6 g) F$ E0 w
: V1 N* @; Q% n3 f; D
" _" o* p; P# i# ~! O8 J0 S6 G5 S: I
6 U7 t3 C. B  G( M  y8 n, z0 H
2 L) \# E6 z0 \- F+ n8 Z/ a% f5 \1 Q0 D
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-17 08:27 | 显示全部楼层


几位老人,静静地坐在窗台下的木椅上谈天,引起了我也想出去走走的心情,随意而游荡在田间,那感觉如风一样没有拘束,开心的舒坦。, a; C7 N0 v% y/ d- U3 L+ s
老虎/机破/解不可以不欣赏的精彩。悠然的月光中,一位幽静的姑娘,正在那棵茂盛的柳树下,黯然神伤地看着一轮明月悄悄地躲进了云朵的身后,似乎有一种惊慌的感觉,让姑娘的面色泛红,大概她是在思念或者是在急切地等待着一位矫健的小伙子,能让她随意地倾诉她内心的老虎/机定位器急切与焦虑的不安,不然她为什么吹起了那么忧伤的曲调,几乎将月亮边上的那片云朵里的泪水吹干净,我坚持着我的感觉欣赏着她的独酌。这样的月色清幽的景色里,她是人们不可以不欣赏的魅力。柳条的茂盛遮掩着她的全部,仅仅的有一点点的月光透过枝条的缝隙,将无限的月华散落在她的身上,那一件美白如雪的飘裙在微风中楚楚动人,那凄婉而绵长的曲调,似乎在呼唤着心底里老虎/机干扰器最美丽的人来,不知道是她的裙子打动了谁,还是她的凄凉唤醒了谁,引来了无数的萤火虫。周围的环境随着月色的暗淡,风也在渐渐的凉爽起来,几乎有一丝丝的寒冷的感觉在风中蕴涵,而她却依然穿着那件白色的衣裙静静地在那里等候着,等候着属于她的希望和未来,等待着可以依附终生的那个人,那个在心里永远都是眼光明媚的人,月色中欣赏着她的景色,让我感觉到一种专心的老虎/机遥控器温暖的感动,无论风声有多么寒冷,她的心里一直都会存溜着一种温度,那不会消失的温度,是她心里的那个他给予的最贴心的温暖。我想靠近她,认真地读懂她的失落与温暖的情感。我的思绪比我的脚步提前去了很久,似乎和宁静的她在勾通着无限的灵感,似乎我们有许多老虎/机游戏说不完的话,有许多想要直白心灵的语言,却在汇集的眼神中一瞬间的羞涩而停止了。我没有惋惜自己的行为和思想,更没有清楚地隐瞒自己的经历,因为她几乎成就了我的唯一。她微微地低下头,我才模糊地发现,在她的背后和她被对着一个活生生的人,那个人就在她的身边,是她可以永久使用的港湾,那股奇妙的感觉弥漫着我的青春,弥漫着一个还没有来得及潇洒月色摇篮。- r0 L8 m1 Z! B9 g" R
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