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又一Greyhound人身安全新闻,这次是从Fort Mac到Edmonton的灰狗

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-22 18:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
还敢坐灰狗吗?昨天早新闻Greyhound称不会检讨现有安检方式。自己读吧,没有中文版本。, a5 E! @/ H8 p# ?9 h" t
+ }  p6 j3 B  ^' X8 m+ ^" ]; s0 N
http://edmonton.ctv.ca/servlet/a ... 0/?hub=EdmontonHome7 B) d$ v* g  @/ J  c% O# ]
( Z" \8 |! Z% m7 z; d5 g& g( f
Josh MacDougall says he was riding a Greyhound bus when a man threatened him with a knife and said he wanted to behead him.% M9 l3 Y( x3 |9 l% O5 Z% R# U0 R

8 P0 k8 R# O1 k( USee below:3 X. n. c& m% E! h  ~1 r) \0 K
, [$ N+ T2 w1 u
'Bus rage' erupts on Greyhound bus in northern Alberta* q1 k  w5 Z; Y; Z) w
Updated: Thu Aug. 21 2008 17:37:56. s7 i5 o. C# i9 t+ P

2 n0 ]1 S% I* o$ Y& ZTwo brothers are calling for increased safety measures on Greyhound buses after a man threatened them with a knife and said he wanted to 'make news' out of them. % \( S' I" F# b3 T& j

7 S# h! ?1 _* F( s! HJosh and Andrew MacDougall were heading to Edmonton from Fort McMurray via a Greyhound bus Monday when a large man with tattoos boarded the bus. : q7 p+ _3 b8 U! R! Z

, ]6 t- A. h/ M# VJosh MacDougall said the man was staggering and acting very erratic.
7 ]  p; {, A9 A( W5 x& }4 a$ L( I. r+ D
He then allegedly approached them at the back of the bus with a knife and began making direct references to the murder of 22-year-old Tim McLean, who died last month after he was attacked and beheaded while riding a bus from Edmonton to Winnipeg.
1 n2 o. R' J+ u& e( j% J% h* |% G% q) T$ A( ]
"He said he's going to do a whole bunch of stuff to us, says he's going to cut our eyes out and he started stabbing and punching the seat," he said. "He said he's going to make news of us. He said he's going cut our heads off." : {8 x2 W3 m- |. U3 v

3 n3 o0 @' w7 B' |, N0 o' O. ZAndrew MacDougall then notified the driver of what was happening. Despite their concerns, the driver did not stop the bus.
" Q. A: J8 P. o, P
0 v, ^3 d/ G: W: b' `) [* A! c: j"Me and my brother got up and tried to help him and the bus driver started freaking out at us, we didn't do anything," Josh MacDougall said.
& n( G; ]( s$ a# v4 N& t$ d; X4 W' |% j
The brothers said the man continued to harass other passengers for another hour.
- V% S( l) N: [0 [! y! u& }# C  H/ D/ W8 K& d( K; D
After the man refused the driver's requests to get off the bus, the RCMP were called in to help.
3 _9 i) r( O4 e9 R, x9 W: w6 X0 c# ^4 m, K4 c& C" D# D
The RCMP say they intercepted the bus as it was travelling south from Wandering River on Highway 63 after the driver called for help for "three intoxicated men."
6 A) X: ]+ c" Q
$ `( p: r, s; K* O% hThe MacDougalls deny being drunk at the time. : A- ~7 U6 O# m# u

8 o1 I1 q7 s& e& k8 @) EWhen the bus came to a stop, the driver kicked the brothers off the bus. After conducting an investigation, the RCMP took both men to Boyle and found them a hotel room.
6 X1 @- t2 e! n) a
8 ^. `+ [( e, u, i& ]7 C3 H"After us going through that, he kicked us off in the middle of nowhere," he said. "We had to buy another ticket the next day." # Q" I( B8 J* l" Y/ s
% T4 |4 X" ?* [
A 30-year-old man from Cold Lake is facing several charges, including uttering threats and possession of a weapon. ( E: E# d& k$ h8 \' V* r

5 X; O% h! E4 iYet the two brothers say this close call shows how much safety needs to be improved on Greyhound buses. % J* ~% y8 ]- B! S
/ G4 u4 T# o! |( N1 [% s7 Q1 V
Josh MacDougall said he'd like to see drivers carrying pepper spray or metal detectors in bus terminals.
1 @. P  h  E/ e5 j' ?8 h2 s" S4 b' L! t& M" w2 t. K3 a
"Obviously something should be done," he said. "That could've been an old lady or some kids or something." ( `; f0 X/ V. [$ f6 d0 D7 i& a; C
' b6 R8 t" ]' i. N3 K
Greyhound officials downplayed the calls for changes in security Thursday and said no rules were broken during the trip.
2 k& y9 m. S; Y' s, A( u. `: B* N9 i2 V
Company spokeswoman Abby Wambaugh said the driver complied with Greyhound security protocol. 0 D! L9 u2 H( a/ u1 T9 M. J7 F8 [3 O

' `, d$ v+ N9 g0 o"Our drivers are trained that should a passenger become aggressive or unruly en route, that the driver is to pull over the coach and immediately call the local authorities which was done in this case," she said. 7 Z" ^- F8 I# ]* W* l/ V
4 d5 A) H# t" t$ I% q
Greyhound officials said they will be performing an internal investigation into the incident.
3 |* a5 h/ R  ?5 \2 v; w
. l7 p9 }3 n0 {' Z! d' p[ 本帖最后由 ftmc 于 2008-8-22 20:06 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-23 20:10 | 显示全部楼层

加拿大再爆灰狗巴士血案 亚裔青年被斩伤

http://news.wenxuecity.com/messa ... -gb2312-706537.html& F& p/ @$ |2 z. d0 j+ l# Z
$ i- d6 u( |. r6 X) o! Q7 L
一名亚裔青年二十二日乘搭灰狗巴士途中遇袭,胸部中刀受伤。这是加拿大灰狗长途巴士两个月内发生第二宗暴力袭击事件。事后,警方拘捕了一名二十八岁疑犯,并控以严重袭击及违反假释条件罪名。警方初步相信他和伤者互不认识,现正调查他的行凶动机。8 P/ A/ I- ~  s0 `0 T
7 i9 |3 K" G: Y) B9 F1 @
事发于当地时间上星期日下午三时左右,肇事巴士正载着十多名乘客在安大略省北部行驶。遇袭的是一名年约二十岁的亚裔青年,已被送往医院急救,现时没有生命危险。/ V  S% j0 t9 m

$ R& ]7 t/ K" E4 {一名目睹事发经过的女乘客说,七月发生的那宗巴士斩首吃人肉桉仍令她心惊胆跳,因此她登上巴士后,故意挑选前排比较接近司机的座位,相信即使有事发生也会安全一点。大约下午三时左右,她正利用电子手帐与友人通讯,突然听到巴士后座有乘客吵嚷,有人大叫,说有乘客呼吸困难,又好像听到有人说有刀。' W" C6 o, z9 [4 s
" k5 W& W) \5 m' G5 U; b' \
这时,一名男子从后面走到车头位置,双手沾满血,要求司机立即停车,让他下车。司机当时也不知道发生了什麽事,对该名男子说,巴士数分钟内便驶抵怀特里弗镇了。+ R5 q3 [  U5 x! g+ T

) b) J1 n0 x& D& Q8 k该名男子显得不耐烦,对司机说:「开门啦!」
0 p9 `6 P5 b4 y4 {$ [8 o4 a0 e# H
# U6 ?; ^: ]% w0 j这时,车厢内有其他乘客大叫:「不要让他走!」但司机还是开了车门让他离去。过了不久,警员接报到场,在怀特里弗附近把该名男子拘捕。
5 r& o( ]  i% y  p% m  D3 E' j' M; x3 l# S2 d* e* S
警方其后证实被捕疑犯是二十八岁的罗伯茨,已落桉起诉他严重袭击及违反假释条件罪名。+ K/ g( E* O, w

6 Q7 t; M2 G( \6 t4 z) B2 M目击者说,疑犯下车后,司机继续把巴士驶入怀特里弗,救护车赶到把该名受伤的青年送往医院急救。
* ~8 t4 B  M  B' w1 ~$ x3 A5 y1 c7 N9 I7 R. y
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-1 19:45 | 显示全部楼层

温尼辟灰狗上又有人扬言斩头 一女子持械恐吓被拘

% l3 Z2 D7 J/ W" c) _4 ]8 {- `( H! q" l" X* c- m, }) q  A
据加新社电﹐男乘客伊根(Joseph Egan)对加拿大广播公司《新闻》(CBC News)说﹐案发时﹐他乘坐灰狗巴士回温莎市。他与一名女子交谈时﹐有人出言恐吓。 ) }& N9 H2 f+ N1 T; k  E
) o, c' C4 m4 S: G& ?* L
伊根担心自己的人身安全﹐就给巴士司机写纸条。司机随后停车﹐等待警方。 ( |% |1 D% m- s3 ^3 D( ~0 p, F

  Q9 U. P0 s) Z4 l! c; {警方到场后﹐疏散巴士上其它乘客﹐随后拘捕3人﹐一名41岁女子被控持有武器﹑出言恐吓等罪名。
, o9 |1 g- _" M* a+ f! U
( |7 r4 e  B. G; v5 R# f" C$ U# [& \3名被捕乘客人来自长原(Long Plain)原住民地区﹐皇家骑警指出﹐其余两名男子当时醉醺醺。两人清醒后﹐警方就会释放他们。 ' }( y& v- e$ X+ y8 m$ C
# t% i; b8 l1 z
灰狗巴士今年7月发生砍头案﹐如果有人在巴士上说「砍头」一词﹐乘客都会有恐惧感。, h. o: c8 @: Q7 E

! \% u+ c3 Z; W  l7 `http://www.abchinese.com/cgi-bin ... pic=4770&show=0
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-5 17:20 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 20:02 | 显示全部楼层

Another Greyhound incident: Man jumped Greyhound bus driver

WINDSOR, Ont. - A Greyhound bus driver is being heralded for quick thinking during an incident on his Windsor-to-Toronto route today. . h* ^+ G  r! G3 R: b2 z+ I) v

2 a: v1 |8 c1 X" o& j/ w9 IProvincial police Const. Janet Hayes says the bus was on Hwy. 401 just east of Windsor when a passenger jumped to his feet, began screaming and grabbed the driver. Hayes says the driver was able to quickly subdue the passenger while safely pulling the bus over to the side of the highway. - M+ z5 {% ?4 G" q2 R7 L9 t

8 N5 G# A# o/ C4 I/ sOnce the bus was stopped, says Hayes, the driver was able to get the passenger outside the vehicle and called police.
( o4 P7 _4 V* [2 O" @3 Y% ?
: g! Z+ G; O& y+ i% e. R0 N0 dNo one was injured and Hays says while police don't expect to lay any charges, that could change as the investigation proceeds. - M5 `& c2 W3 Y! D5 E7 }9 @

  t' N2 O6 i0 M# mThe passenger, a 46-year-old man from Mississauga, Ont., was taken by ambulance to a hospital to be examined. 6 A6 G8 b8 D( }' C. I) R# K

# h6 n  Q+ @# w% B" Q! a. J7 ehttp://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capre ... /greyhound_incident
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-15 18:50 | 显示全部楼层


为灰狗巴士斩首案的被告李伟光作精神鉴定的医生们最近得出结论,李伟光罹患严重的精神失常疾病,因此不应对他被控的杀人罪负刑事责任。% c6 V' h* ]5 a# m$ Z
来自司法机构的消息来源称,分别代表检察机构和被告的2名温尼辟精神科医生均认为,应将李伟光送去医院治病,而非继续把他关在监狱里。2位精神科专家的意见,将在下月2日开庭审理李伟光杀人案件时,呈交给法庭。. m  D5 X1 l- l: i/ U3 x3 H& D+ a
0 @5 _0 N1 Z+ w: {" d) `1 ]$ q8 w% o
这次庭审的唯一内容,将是由法官决定,李伟光有无接受被控杀人罪名审判的能力。届时,呈堂证据将只有那2位医生的有关李伟光精神状况的报告。+ u( t/ t( P' f5 ?0 E) M
5 \7 H+ }' t% L
消息人士说,检方无意直接同意李伟光不必对杀人罪名负刑事责任,可是如果辩方以其当事人精神状况为由要求撤销谋杀罪控告,检方将不提出异议。检方为了慎重起见,将让此案走完其司法程序,先由检方精神科专家呈上证据,然后再由辩方精神科专家提交他的精神鉴定报告。( ]5 C; Z1 I" I4 X5 j; i! X

' D" `& @) k; W今年41岁、5年前从中国移居加拿大的李伟光,被控去年7月30日晚上,在长途巴士上用利刃杀害时年22岁的邻座旅客麦克连(Tim McLean),检察机构据此控告他触犯了二级谋杀罪。! o4 d# `) ?! W9 e# ~6 S

6 m  B& q3 |6 @( e# R当时同车的旅客说,李伟光突然发难,抽出猎刀狂刺、滥砍一旁丝毫没有防备的麦克连,不但割下他的头颅,又残忍地挖出受害者内脏,甚至割下人肉生吞.
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