I'll move to Haddow in this month. Therefore, I'm interested in this job. Could you let me know your phone number? My e-mail is xuemei-wan@hotmail.com. My phone number is 780-328-6551. We can talk about it on the phone.
My mom wants to find a job to kill the time. She is bored and lonely. Could my mom talk with your mom or I talk with you about the job and how to apply it? Thank you very much.- P" i( z9 u2 `; M( a( |/ Q
Email: liuzhongwang@hotmail.com % s0 w% J6 h& m+ @- X1 x3 GPhone: 780-486-3186' Q' t! n0 P. y- b' L; \! l+ J& ^/ z( }
Name: Emily