现在我遇到一个很头疼的问题,希望大家或有过此类经验的好心人帮帮忙阿~ % p# L. F, B' ?$ b我持的是毕业后现在这个公司的公签,但是最近刚刚找到一个公司准备跳槽.这个新公司已经给我开JOB OFFER 但我不知道我需不需要准备那个HUMAN RESOURCES and skills development canada confirmation 要准备的东西呢? 要准备的话去哪里弄呢?是不是的需要让公司给HUMAN RESOURCE 联系阿?; n, T1 `% c5 C: M
Provide the new job offer, and the current PGWP to CIC. 4 f5 Z! ?8 d$ [& V. qInform CIC that you got a new job, PGWP should be updated. 2 ?; `/ G2 ?* c* R; MYou can not start working in the new company until receive the updated PGWP
You don't need HUMAN RESOURCES and skills development canada confirmation ...5 r- s1 Q+ w( V3 v* z
Other documents are easy to prepare, you could confirm that with CIC call center