Engineers !! ( x" |- h, F# K! w# _; L- @Are you studying to write the NPPE for licensure with APEGGA?1 ]) d _7 j3 r5 U0 y( h
9 x1 X! ?1 m. T+ k7 i% D& s4 k6 XThe Bredin Institute has an innovative review course for examinees who are preparing to write the National Professional Practice Exam.+ L' ^: c3 \. l) k5 S' D: b
2 G* m, b I- c% W* ~, _6 u
For more information please contact James Prentice at or call Bredin at (780) 425-3730. * F7 |; @- c8 K9 x. w5 e; S7 i4 Z% B) c! G
Space is limited. 5 G9 X6 v% Q9 ^ b