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[求职信息] Internationally Trained Pharmacists

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-10-16 21:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
If you have obtained your post secondary education in Pharmacy outside of Canada, you will be in the Internationally Trained Pharmacists group. After you come to Canada from your original country, you would have to go through the Pharmacist Licensure Process if you would like to be a licensed pharmacist in Alberta.
! j2 ?3 n; z* Q1 a9 {( s# j) R' e  z; i, R/ h& b( F
Here is the process:
' I6 ?: Z) u+ p( k
$ P# y9 r3 ?- x# D: M& RIn order for an International Pharmacy Graduate (IPG) to become a licensed pharmacist in Canada, the following steps must be completed:/ W7 F5 K( R7 S& j5 |

0 `3 N9 [( \* J8 `3 |Source: http://www.shoppersdrugmart.ca/e ... icensing/index.html
9 G) T7 p; V" N/ \www.pebc.ca
% \1 }1 g; e4 R; g; u" E. u% v. J1 s: r" n
STEP 1& g5 t' ~- c$ O) K6 d% Z' @
The starting point is to have your degree evaluated by the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC). The Board will ask you to send in various documents relating to your education and will evaluate them in comparison to Canadian pharmacy degrees. This step is called “Document Evaluation”. You should review the PEBC website in detail and you will be able to obtain all required applications and instructions on-line. Those seeking to register for the next sitting of the PEBC Evaluating Exam (STEP 2 below) must submit all documents for both STEP 1 + 2 to the PEBC before the deadline, in order to successfully register for the next Evaluating Exam. The PEBC website is www.pebc.ca5 @0 m  E2 h8 m1 ?; ^' h
1. Document Evaluation
8 j* ^8 ~; I) n  `" [. i- \5 IChecklist √
8 M! h9 i* F* q
4 m  r9 p" i. t# N√ Application form properly witnessed
' M! X* B6 P! m0 d# a5 w. L* R√ CAD$500 fee1 W1 Y8 Z* w6 t3 Y& |# k
√ Documents to support identity* d; O/ Z$ a% ?0 \
   • Birth Certificate
# F; a' Y8 m3 u   • Marriage Certificate4 w: E6 |3 }4 F
   • or Canadian Citizenship Card
, F1 E& y) ~" p; G5 |: n8 a   • or Statutory Declaration + supporting docs.
9 N" n/ a0 o% B' c+ U√ Immigration Record of Landing* K# M% p. B7 t5 A" b/ n8 Z0 e
√ Documents to support graduation & licensing
, F+ D# v8 N; U+ i: ]5 `   • University Degree Certificate6 |0 l. T" w7 |4 Z, g2 |
   • Transcript
8 t+ s" b5 M& j6 Q   • Licensing Statement, P. V" {4 C/ E! H

6 L9 G( N( q$ V4 V8 [8 uapplication forms are available on the following website:+ E( Q# {& H$ y& P5 g
http://www.pebc.ca/EnglishPages/DocEval/DocEvalWhatDocuments.html% T3 J( M) o& x, h

5 l- N' \' a1 W, J" a8 {4 Z1 I; XYou must send in your Application Form and documents via regular mail or via courier services to:* @" [; Z# R0 _/ D4 Y7 j' x
The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada
: ~. g% f$ p) z% x  j9 c717 Church Street
' _" |" _, v" i$ p# cToronto, ON M4W 2M4 Canada
8 f0 }. Y( ]; _(Effective August 27, 2007)2 `2 E2 h. P$ _7 K) u" {# N
6 a' [! W0 B# ]3 r

1 I" g2 ]8 B0 c; U* NSTEP 2: N" f  R$ r9 `1 A& }, B2 p  D
Once your documents have been evaluated by the PEBC, you must then sit an Evaluating Exam to determine whether or not you have the knowledge equivalent to someone who has completed a pharmacy degree in Canada. This exam is held twice a year, in January and July. The deadline to register for the exam is at least 3 months before the exam so careful attention should be paid to the PEBC website for the deadline dates for each exam. Those seeking to register for the next sitting of the PEBC Evaluating Exam must submit all documents for both STEP 1 + 2 to the PEBC before the deadline, in order to successfully register for the next Evaluating Exam. This exam can be written in various cities in Canada or it can be written in London, England., h7 y" d2 v: G+ I8 v4 w/ N
. J0 n" G$ i0 D# B; W
Deadline Dates:% w- U1 L  k. U; O9 ~
: l- k1 Z) G- W! P7 v
October 12 in order to apply for the January 9 & 10, 2008 Evaluating Examination.( B4 }3 C  o( s

1 N4 Y: }, l3 z: l6 o+ F/ bApril 4 in order to apply for the July 9 & 10, 2008 Evaluating Examination.
* c' _; z, U" ?) v$ h/ m0 E. Q: p
8 N# M. K! Q8 v6 k. WPlease note: If you are planning to apply for the next Evaluating Examination, all documents, applications and fees (including Document Evaluation Application form, fee and documents and Evaluating Examination Application form and fee) must be correctly submitted by the deadline date. There are two separate application forms and two separate fees for Document Evaluation and the Evaluating Examination. The fee for Document Evaluation is CAD$500 and the fee for the Evaluating Examination is CAD$485. Please note:There is an additional administration fee of CAD$350 for the London, England site of the Evaluating Examination.The application form and fee for the Evaluating Examination can be sent at the same time as the application form and fee for Document Evaluation.
( a0 r7 t% @4 u7 E3 V5 _5 |. n
& G( v% z2 c, G/ xRecourses for the Evaluating Exam:
! |$ {$ ]7 v% t- B- nhttp://www.pebc.ca/EnglishPages/EEX/EEXHomePage.html
0 ^  I; x7 @8 o& @1 _
" h) `6 s; L" w- U" JSTEP 3
' g( N8 X/ F' f" q1 oOnly after successful completion of the PEBC Evaluating Exam, you can sit the PEBC Qualifying Exam. This exam has two parts (written: MCQ and clinical: OSCE) and is held twice a year, in May and November. This exam can only be taken in Canada. The deadline to register for the exam is at least 3 months before the exam so careful attention should be paid to the PEBC website for the deadline dates for each exam.
, {5 u& O* [4 s  E
$ e% U" v0 l$ s/ a4 j0 ]0 rSTEP 4
1 P2 ~) k. F( ^+ yBefore starting your internship, you must complete a recognized Language Proficiency Exam. Details of the English language fluency tests and level required by each provincial licensing body can be found at www.napra.ca or on the appropriate provincial licensing board website.
3 Z7 X1 l- m* q# U8 w6 J8 i
0 A, m0 F( U8 ?" O, y. C  nOnce all of the above steps have been completed you can then begin your internship (in Ontario IPGs must first complete a 4-8 month period of studentship before moving on to internship). To determine the specific internship hours required by each province, please contact the local Provincial or Territorial Licensing Body in the Province or Territory in which you would like to settle.! H4 J. I2 Q0 l0 @

0 @: [  M* `& k- e% s% fSTEP 5
. ~' z. f1 R, i1 {7 v* `5 y+ @' UAt some point prior to becoming licensed, you must complete a Provincial jurisprudence exam.
- d/ _" i$ G9 t/ h! d3 `English Fluency Exam:
, z$ {) D3 ^$ L- l8 w* U' Y' B% K
8 _, H7 b; H) E0 t$ {" x1 L/ ^If English is not your first language, you must provide proof of English language fluency using any one of the following tests:
4 E! ^' g4 a- T5 j. F! Y% X: Q, Q& r% d, d+ D
Test Details        4 ?. L5 `: O8 S- t
Minimum Score
* ^- E/ D: y, y0 S8 {# Q; Osee table on the following website:
/ w" }. l4 ^( l. h: V. @https://pharmacists.ab.ca/regist ... acists.aspx?id=4870# c2 l4 t% @% g/ y
  K( `2 O: ?  I/ b: ]+ B1 s
Step 6
5 h; Z' B4 [8 u$ q; N$ I( B" M- w. A& X+ T
Structured Practical Training
! J& g0 R* v' V' h& s, m4 RYou are required to complete a minimum of 1000 hours of structured practical training.  The ACP structured practical training program consists of 100 hours for Level 1, and 450 hours each for Levels 2 and 3. You may complete all of your structured practical training at one site or may change sites for each level.  Structured practical training hours must be done under the supervision of a licensed, clinical pharmacist and can be completed in either a retail or hospital setting.
0 p7 q& N. T. c. F
5 x5 ]- r1 x+ ^9 r) Y3 m" u5 VYou are responsible for finding your own structured practical training site(s).  Structured practical training may also be completed in a non-traditional site or an out-of-province site. There are specific parameters established for these alternate sites.  Please note, if you plan to complete structured practical training in another province, you must ensure you have met that province's legislative and regulatory conditions.  @! o: u. O3 n% K7 ^# |$ i+ H. y

3 A" j  L6 a6 _3 I/ z3 _7 ETo complete Level 1 you must work a minimum of eight hours a week. For Levels 2 and 3, a minimum of 20 hours per week is required.  For all levels, you may not complete more than 40 hours per week.% g9 q* x3 E" S5 w/ Q/ C

6 F' k. M5 G4 r6 Q+ U' XYou must submit the Notification of Preceptor Site form, the Certification of Completion form and all evaluation forms from your manual to the ACP office for each level.  You should submit the Notification of Preceptor Site form immediately at the start of your structured practical training.  The Certification of Completion form and evaluation forms should be submitted within one week of completion of each level.. w; P2 }7 S" n  ^9 F& f3 g
5 E4 p) m8 {) D' ?: E
Step 7* {$ g' v( U/ N/ v
Jurispridence Exam (appears to be easier than the other exams since most pharmacists could pass it in their later stages of licensure process)
* W  r/ h* L  k( D7 P$ v& x5 a
; Y7 A/ _/ p9 U( \5 F+ kPlease feel free to discuss with me if you have more questions or concerns about the process.4 t  z9 w; q2 ^/ p2 l
Thank you!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-10-20 01:15 | 显示全部楼层
thank you for those precious and detailed information,you really are a kind person! if you dont mind , may I ask you for others for doctor or HSE(health safety and environment )?
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